AkMu's Soohyun talks about oppa Chanhyuk helping her through her slump

Article: AkMu's Lee Chanhyuk gives dongsaeng Soohyun the strength to continue after she shares thoughts of 'retiring' due to her slump

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+378] Positive traits about Lee Chan Hyuk: can write and compose his own songs, can sing, can produce, is a meme, is unique, is hands?-can become more handsome, dresses well, nickname is GD, dongsaeng is a prodigy vocalist, has good character, served in the marines, witty with words so he's good on varieties, etc etc
- [+34] Good at rap
- [+99] The "can become more handsome" ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
- [+13] Nickname is GD ㅋㅋ
- [+5] The question mark by "handsome" ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+190] She's still so young and talented, it makes me sad that she was going through that. Just focus on singing good songs instead of worrying about the results. There are a lot of people who simply want to hear you sing. And you have an oppa you can depend on like this! Fighting!

[+115] Wow, even singers as talented as her still suffer from slumps

[+92] It was clear from their debut that they had a unique style of music that they wanted to do, and each line of their lyrics felt like a reflection of their clear thoughts. I loved how their music felt so fresh and clean with Soohyun's vocals. Even now, when I hear her covers of other songs, her voice brings a sort of comfort to my nerves. Unfortunately, this is still a career after all, so I can see why having to quantify your talent into results can put you in a slump like this... I'm just happy to see that she has an oppa like Chanhyuk who supports her passion for music. It's clear that they dearly love each other, which is reflected in their music with the playful way their emotions vibe off of each other. ❤️❤️

[+44] She has a great oppa by her side. Soohyun-ssi, treat your slumps like obstacles to overcome, because you will always have a strong oppa climbing those slumps right alongside you! Fighting! 

[+19] He's an oppa with such an understanding heart

[+15] We do not ask for you two to look pretty or cool or anything... we just want you to live happy lives and let us listen to your music. Music.. so what if you don't get the results you want? Just be there for us... Don't pressure yourself into thinking you have to achieve this or become that. Just live your lives while pursuing what you want. 

[+2] More than anything, she needs to lsoe some weight
- Worry about yourself, loser

[+-] Soohyun-ssi has a voice that heals with her talent alone... so let go of that slump and enjoy your life. Chanhyuk-ssi has always been so strong-minded, I know he can always handle anything. Don't worry about the comments... just know that there are a lot of people who genuinely love you two! Promise that you'll be doing music even as grandmas and grandpas!

[+-] I really think the people you surround yourself with is so important when you get into these depressive episodes... I'm sure Soohyun is going through a lot since she started working at such a young age, and experiencing all of that so early is probably exhausting for her

[+-] I don't know that Chanhyuk could be a singer on his own. It's imperative that his dongsaeng stays with him as a singer. 
