Young man arrested for phishing Big Hit employee by pretending to be BTS member

Article: Man in twenties pretends to be BTS member to trick Big Hit PD into leaking digital recording... "It felt unfair that I'm a ex-convict while my friend's a celebrity"

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+187] Having such a strong inferiority complex is a mental illness in my opinion
- [+5] True. He should go work out or read a book ㅠㅠ I feel bad for people who live their lievs stuck in the past

[+145] Such a light sentence for an issue dealing with music copyright. Please apply a harsher sentence and set an example so that further crimes of this nature are prevented.

[+133] He's an ex-convict, what's he bothering asking for leniency for

[+57] People like him need to do better with their time. Instead of wasting time feeling sick to their stomach over another person's success, they need to invest in self-improvement ㅋㅋ You're responsible for changing your own life; jealousy won't do that for you

[+16] Wow, what a funny guy. The inferiority complex on this guy. Your friend became a singer because of his own skills.

[+8] Why blame others when you're the one who committed the crime??

[+8] Makes me wonder if this is the friend Yoongi talks about in 'Dear My Friend'...
- [+1] I did briefly wonder that, but he seems too much younger than Yoongi

[+6] He needs to worry about himself. So what if his friend's a celebrity now? What does behaving like this change anything? He blew his own opportunities! 

[+4] And why did Hybe cancel their lawsuit against him again? 

[+4] Do not blame others for your own mistakes

[+1] Your life being a mess is your own problem
