Vietnamese TikToker calls out racism in Korea's beauty standards against Southeast Asian idols

Article: Vietnamese TikToker calls out Koreans on their discrimination among different Southeast Asian ethnicities "Thai Lisa looks Korean?"

Source: Herald Economy via Naver

[+253, -17] So ask yourself this: in your country, when someone tells you that you look Korean, is that considered a compliment or hate? And again, if someone tells you that you look Vietnamese, is that considered a compliment or hate? If looking Vietnamese is considered hate, then your country is no different than our country, and if looking Korean is considered hate, then your country also practices discriminatory views. We find what is similar to be pretty. Keep your jealousy to yourself.

[+117, -2] We can't help our subconscious what we find pretty. Is she asking us to change our subconscious? ㅋ What westerners find pretty, what Asians find pretty are all different, just like what Koreans find pretty and Southeast Asians find pretty are different... why is having different preferences from you considered racism? 

[+96, -21] She's right, though. Our country is severely racist. I know that. But I can't stand it when other countries are racist towards us. It can't be helped.

[+69, -8] We recognize the differences in our faces, but we don't discriminate against that. Influencers like you are the ones who exaggerate these issues to pull in views and incite more hate on each side.

[+16, -0] What's this load of bull?? Our country is more Korean still than multi-cultural. It's a characteristic of our people that we feel closer to people who are more like us (whether it's in mentality or looks). We just prefer those who look like us. Why do you think we are also fans of people like Jonathan? Because his mentality is very Korean.

[+56, -43] She's right to the bones. It's time that we acknowledge these issues and work on fixing them.

[+12, -1] Every country has their own beauty standards, it's ridiculous that she's making us out to be racist for it ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+13, -3] It's not discrimination. It's a difference in what our country finds pretty and not. Why are you so wrapped up in your own jealousy? Koreans have our own beauty standards, and there are times that some Southeast Asian faces don't fit those standards, but that doesn't mean we feel superior over you for it. Do we feel superior over our economic state? No, we just consider it the result of our hard work. Do we feel superior for being pretty? That's just how we are. I actually find Misamo the prettiest out of Twice. Does that mean I think Japan is superior to us? No, I just find them pretty, that's all. I find Hanni the prettiest in New Jeans. Do I find Vietnam superior to us? No, she just fits my beauty standards.

[+6, -0] Does Lisa look Korean? I've never once thought that.. she's dolled up in a Korean style. On the contrary, Jennie's a charming face but she doesn't look Korean either. She looks Southeast Asian. None of this is racist!!

[+6, -0] Koreans just call it what it is, if you're pretty, you're pretty. Your country is the one that equates being pretty with looking Korean, that's your own issue~~ why are you so triggered? ㅋㅋ You're trying to call us racist for you being called ugly ㅋㅋ 

[+5, -0] Why is she talking as if the Vietnamese don't look down on Cambodians for being poorer than them... Every country has its own issues. And yes, Koreans discriminate based on looks, but that's not racism ㅎㅎㅎㅎ

[+5, -1] But yes, racism is an issue that we need to reflect on. Our country has a real issue with keeping our culture closed off to our own people only. 

[+9, -6] She's honestly right. You're racist if you don't get what she's saying.

[+3, -0] Let's be honest, we get pissed too when a foreigner asked us if we're Chinese, and feel whatever when someone asks us if we're Japanese... I imagine their issue is something similar to that. 


Source: Naver

[+2,064, -135] Racism exists, but is there a country without any racism? At least our country isn't a terrorist. People don't realize how good our country has it until they get beat up down a random US street.

[+1,219, -82] Okay, but they are the ones who treat being told that they look Korean as one of the best compliments ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ the victim complex is unreal

[+669, -85] She's honestly right, though

[+265, -15] That's her own opinion

[+197, -3] I agree with half of what she's saying, and think she's exaggerating the other half... Yes, our country does look down on Southeast Asians.. And there are a lot of Koreans who misbehave when traveling to those countries. And yes, I admit that we don't view favorably upon the laborers here... I'm not speaking for the majority but those views do exist is all I'm saying. However, it's just a difference in views, we're not as bad as some of the western countries in terms of racism. Racism exists everywhere in the world. And while this TikToker is right to point that out, I think the problem is that she severely exaggerates her points.

[+167, -5] What is she saying? Lisa is more popular in Thailand than here. Why is she asking why she isn't more popular in Korea? It's like asking why a Japanese member is more popular in Japan or why a Chinese member is more popular in China. Why can't our country like a member from our country more than a member from another country?

[+166, -19] Is it racist, though? Or just what we find pretty or not? ㅋ She's ugly so she must've gotten a lot of poor treatment, and it sounds like this rant is from her personal experience

[+140, -4] I read her full post and it sounds like she's not accusing us of racism but lookism, and that Koreans discriminate against people, even our own Koreans, if they don't fit into our beauty standards. And while I agree that our country has a problem with lookism, I think it's the same anywhere in the world. Lookism has existed all across the times.


Source: Naver

[+920, -37] The racism here is not "on a crazy level." Go to Italy or the US and let's see how bad the racism really is

[+325, -19] Racism exists everywhere... is it necessary to single us out? The arm of every country naturally bends inwards

[+79, -0] The irony of this coming from a country like Vietnam who also idolizes white skin and button noses ㅋㅋ

[+63, -2] This isn't racism... it's lookism. It doesn't matter what race you are, we'll call you pretty if you are pretty. The racism you felt wasn't because you're Southeast Asian but because... you're just not pretty.

[+41, -0] What is it about "you look Korean" that makes it a compliment? It literally just means you look like a Korean person. This is a ridiculous accusation that is just meant to incite hate on all sides.
