Students' parents organization sues Whasa for her sexy performance at college festival

Article: 'Provocative performance controversy' Mamamoo's Whasa charged for indecent acts during performance

Source: Seoul Economy via Naver

[+1,593, -71] Whasa, short shorts, spread legs, licking her hand, and rubbing that right down her private area~ hmm, something about it just looked gross

[+817, -22] She crossed the line, it was dirty... And just as I thought, she's getting in trouble for it

[+549, -38] This is good news. Her performance was not sexy, just dirty. The parent-student oragnization is doing a good job!

[+439, -56] I knew she'd get in trouble for this. She needs to start acting her age and being more considerate of the eyes who are watching her~ I wouldn't even care if she was at least pretty, but~~

[+304, -16] Physiognomy is science

[+204, -1] It was too much... She needs to know where the line is. That kind of stuff is usually performed at nighttime adult clubs, so of course people are going to think she's crazy for performing it at a dinnertime festival?

[+144, -0] She crossed the line and embarrassed her own audience. There were teens in attendance as well... This wasn't some strip show festival.

[+127, -3] She tries so hard to look sexy, but she always just looks like an ajumma with too much make up on...


Source: Naver

[+1,040, -94] She's so obsessed with this kind of stuff. I knew she'd get in trouble for it one day. What exactly is she trying to emulate?

[+728, -38] Being completely honest, she looked dirty

[+442, -11] When I saw her video, I didn't think she looked sexy but rather... uncomfortable and embarrassing...

[+298, -10] Yeah, we can't let festivals cross the line into this kind of stuff. She needs to pay the price and reflect.

[+358, -77] Her face doesn't look 28 to me, looks 48 ㅠ


Source: Naver

[+294, -7] Yeah, it was pretty bad... I don't get why she's like this

[+208, -1] MBC's been hyping her up and now she thinks she's some hot sh*t... She crossed the line with this whole sexy act. She needs to stop cheapening herself so much.

[+147, -5] She's way past the line of sexy... She needs to rein it in. Performances that make the viewer feel embarrassed will just incite more hate.

[+63, -2] She's always trying to get attention for being sexy... but she ends up looking dirty and gross


Source: Naver + Naver

[+339, -12] Performance or whatever aside, I just find her so dirty

[+297, -5] Enough's enough.. and I'm really sorry but you don't look sexy at all, nor cool ㅜㅜ...

[+195, -20] Almost threw up my food watching this

[+165, -22] I'm not defending her performance but since when were parents of college students involved in this kind of stuff? And filing a public lawsuit like this will only influence more kids to look up her performance clip.

[+108, -15] I don't think she'll be punished for anything but I do think she should be more careful in the future

[+88, -3] Just a very embarrassing performance all around

[+89, -14] You're a singer, please act like one. Behaving like this isn't pretty at all, especially at a festival watched by little kids and teens..


Source: Insight via Instagram

[+1,548] People need to cut this crap out. Why are parents even getting involved over something that happened at a college festival? They're all adults...

[+1,573] I think our country needs to start getting more open-minded about stuff like this 👏 S*x education starts at the elementary school level, and it seems a bit outdated to be filing lawsuits over a performance that happened at a college festival...

[+3,166] I mean, she didn't perform this at a high school festival... it was at a college festival for adults

[+1,690] And why are parents getting involved at a festival for college students?

[+620] In the time you're filing lawusits against innocent people like Whasa, please focus your efforts on your own children instead.

[+474] The parents of Sungkyunkwan University students are quite different, hmm?

[+212] It was bad but I don't know that it was lawsuit bad. Why is it okay for male singers to go topless on stage, then? Doesn't that count as s*x appeal just like this performance?

[+395] I mean, she already gave notice that the performance was rated 19+, and it was performed at a festival meant for adults. What did people expect? For her to be on stage in a hanbok doing the fan dance? 

[+74] I don't think it's fair for people to say that parents shouldn't be involved when it's the parents who are paying for their tuition at these schools. And just because you're college-aged doesn't mean parents are suddenly hands off of your life. Even if it's a festival "for adults," there needs to be restrictions and a line that shouldn't be crossed. Such perverted performances shouldn't be allowed at a festival meant for students. If parents aren't allowed to "get involved," then where does the line begin and end? No one would've cared if Whasa behaved this way at her own personal concert, but that wasn't the case. 

[+103] Seems like the parents don't really know their own kids that well~ They're treating their college kids like they're babies


Source: Wikitree via Instagram

[+111] I do have to wonder if such a performance was really even necessary. Even if it was at a college festival, she knew that clips would go around the internet and the news where minors would be able to see it. I know that minors have access to p*rn and everything but it's different when they're also able to access famous figures like her behaving like this. 

[+179] Why are people acting as if she performed this at some middle/high school festival? ㅋㅋ Aren't college festivals a place for adults to drink and have fun? Why would any of them feel embarrassed over her performance? ㅋㅋ Are we sure you guys aren't just Whasa haters? 

[+76] If she was going to perform something like this, she should've made sure it was at a venue that was shieldable with strict rules on minors entering. There were minors at the festival. Can you imagine if a male performer licked his hand and rubbed himself down there? He would've been exiled from society already... But Whasa gets the "girl crush" pass, right?

[+26] She's getting sued because the festival was also being broadcast on TV. While the performance isn't an issue for the festival itself, having it broadcast on TV is an issue.

[+12] Wow, I didn't know parents got involved even with college festivals. What a bizarre country we live in.

[+9] I did feel a bit shocked at the performance but I think suing her is going too far ㅜㅜ she's an artist at the end of the day...

[+6] So are the parents going to sue their kids when they watch p*rn too? ㅎㅎ
