Legal battle begins for Fifty Fifty versus Attrakt

Article: Fifty Fifty "It's not because of the money, we have lost our trust"... Agency "The core of the issue is the external force"

Source: Everyday Economy via Naver

[+910, -2] Their image has been completely ruined for them to continue celebrity careers anymore, no? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+509, -3] CEO Jung has been trying to protect you members until the veyr end.. and yet you're choosing to stick a knife in his back. You guys are hopeless. You've gleefully jumped over a line that you shouldn't have;;

[+365, -3] They're claiming the agency has a lack of competence ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ but what about all the money they've invested in you all this time? How treacherous of you.

[+292, -4] I get that they're young and all, but I'm actually so done with them... to the point of hate. I won't be consuming anything put out by them. 

[+271, -3] The members have already filed for trademark rights... basically trying to run off with everything the agency did for them.

[+179, -0] After hearing that they've requested trademark rights, I'm really done with them. They're not human at all. They really stuck a knife hard in their CEO's back. I don't think even the Chinese idols have been so cruel... just daebak...

[+152, -0] 5050's lawyer claimed that Attrakt lacks the staff and financial means to properly support them... which means they're basically admitting to leaving them for a richer agency. They are truly cruel kids. No words for their parents either.

[+133, -0] BTS started off by sleeping seven members to a room, singing at small town events like the Peach festival. Who do these members think they are?

[+104, -0] "Trust"? What have you girls even accomplished to be talking about trust already ㅋㅋ Did your CEO make you perform at small-town events or something? You don't even know what true suffering is as an idol... You're nothing but a bubble.

[+74, -0] I read in another article that the members each registered trademark rights... they're the ones who backstabbed him first but are claiming that there's a lack of "trust" ㅋㅋㅋ He got them educated in English and history lessons, perhaps it's time that they learn some character lessons.

[+61, -1] I got goosebumps when I read about them registering trademark rights behind everyone's back

[+58, -0] It's obvious the CEO is doing everything he can to preserve their image and get them back, but I'm sorry to say that it's completely over for them. 

[+54, -1] I've never in my life heard of an idol requesting to terminate their contract just seven months into their debut because they're expecting to be paid. They were gifted with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that they should be squeezing every ounce of their soul into pursuing and yet they chose to throw that luck into the pits.


Article: Fifty Fifty members have already applied for trademark for their name and stage names

Source: Idol Issue via Instagram

[+106] I just never thought I'd be seeing the day that I support a company over the artist...

[+88] They're barely 20 years old... They've caused this whole mess, what do they expect to happen once they win and get another comeback? Nothing but downhill waiting for them from here. 

[+78] Their family should be supporting their newfound fame, but instead they're ruining their lives

[+61] They can trademark it all they want, their image has already been trashed so what's it worth anyway...?

[+60] I hope they lose their lawsuit so hard that they can't ever step foot back into the industry again. They're only junior high school graduates so they're going to start life off on hard mode, and it'll be by their own choice.

[+41] The members all dropped out of high school so they're basically junior high school graduates... I don't know how they can be so foolish right now ㅋㅋ

[+39] They're disgusting, truly

[+37] Wow, if the members really applied for these trademarks, I've completely lost every ounce of respect for them. They're disgusting... They're truly out to skin their own CEO alive. These foxes;;

[+35] Sigh. It's not like they even have a fandom to back them up. All they had to do was hold on for a little longer while their schedules were busy and they could be enjoying even bigger fame than now. Why act so foolish... tsk tsk. Fighting to the CEO.

[+34] Now that's true betrayal

[+34] Never have I seen such pieces of trash... They better never dream of coming back on TV ever again 

[+32] Not like there's anything waiting for them on the other end of all this ㅎㅎ not one member that stands out among them

[+30] They're going to end up as B-list singers who stand around rest stops passing out their CDs

[+29] Did they think they deserved to get paid because they heard New Jeans started getting paid a few months after debut...? I really have no idea what they're thinking 🤦‍♀️

[+17] Goosebumps... such terrible people, both the members and their parents...

[+12] They're just... wow... they give me goosebumps

[+9] They climbed to fame so fast just to lose it all over a lack of 'character'


Article: Fifty Fifty's 'Barbie' OST music video filming has been canceled

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+597] Such a shame to see young people give up a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity in their careers like this. There's just no excuse for their behavior, age or otherwise. 

[+390] Perhaps they should reflect on why IU is as loved as she is today, and it's for her loyalty to the agency that raised her 👏👏👏👏

[+216] Their poor agency ㅠ

[+160] The Traitor Idols

[+287] I watched one of their stages yesterday and was shocked. Their song gave me the impression that they would be talented singer-songwriters, but they're completely not ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Their looks, body, skills - none of it would have even made it to a debut at any other agency, but their CEO made it work, and they should be nothing but grateful for such an opportunity but they dare to betray him like this? 

[+153] The infamous Immoral-dols... This is a first for me, supporting a company over the artist...

[+241] They're about to set a great example for future idol groups of what happens when you only focus on the tree and not the forest

[+187] Anyone here in the comments know even one of their names?? I don't~~~~~~ and yet they have the audacity to expect to get paid already??
- [+6] I wasn't even aware of such a group, period 😂

[+70] This isn't the first time we've seen such a group.. Give them a few years, they'll regret everything and end up on 'Strong Heart' or some show trying to sell their story

[+93] Looking forward to their "where are they now?" video with the title "The group that ranked on the Billboard right after debut, do you remember Fifty Fifty?"
