Jennie responds to criticisms about lazy dancing in recent performances

Article: Black Pink's Jennie coolly acknowledges criticisms of lazy dancing... "I've been getting injured"

Source: The Joongang via Naver

[+1,510, -216] This is not an excuse that should ever come out of the mouth of a professional

[+743, -27] She's only saying this now because she's made all the money she needs. If she was getting these criticisms at the beginning of her debut, all she'd be saying is, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll work harder."

[+459, -99] Her acting gave me goosebumps. I think even a random dog off the street could've done better than that.

[+226, -6] You should not be getting on stage if you're not prepared to give it your all. Can you imagine if an opera singer said "I sang lazily because my neck was sore," or if a Tae Kwon Do contestant said "I fought lazily because I was afraid of getting hurt." These excuses don't make sense. It just proves that you're not a professional. Please behave in a manner that matches your title as a top singer.

[+256, -39] Yeah, sounds like you've made all the money you need, maybe it's time to retire

[+170, -1]
Head of department: Hey, I've heard that you're not pulling your weight, what do you think of that?
Assistant Manager: Yeah, I agree. It makes me tired to work hard and stresses me out.
Head of department: ?????

[+147, -4] Then wear flats like Rose. Weren't you wearing heels in the first place because you're shorter than Rose and Lisa and you want your legs to look longer?

[+96, -6] Reminds me of when Girlfriend danced and sang in the rain, even falling in the middle of their choreo... Meanwhile, idols like Jennie, all because they got to debut in a big agency, can get away with being lazy on stage and still retain their popularity ㅠ Please wear sneakers on stage if you can't give your performances your all. How can you even call this an excuse? Tsk tsk.

[+83, -1] She left in the middle of a stage at their Australian tour... but still managed to go on a ton of vacation sightseeing in Australia. I can see why she's getting criticism for failing to do her part on the stage. We all get criticized if we fail to do our work at our jobs.

[+81, -3] You need to retire if this is going to be your attitude. You don't get to get paid all that money to not do your job.

[+79, -4] I'll never understand why she got famous

[+63, -2] Why is she famous? I'm genuinely curious

[+54, -4] It's human instinct to get lazy once your back is warm and your bank account is full

[+51, -4] Can't dance, can't sing, can't act, no body... it's about time her bubble pops


Source: Naver

[+471, -161] I really have no idea why she's popular, she has a choding body, a whatever face, and I don't even know if she sings well

[+224, -45] Her mindset is ridiculous... and it seems she's completely oblivious to it. Please take some time to reflect and learn from people who continue to work hard no matter how high up they climb. Do you think your own teammates like Lisa and Rose aren't dealing with their own hardships? And yet they continue to perform without making any mistakes. How can you call yourself a pro with six years of trainee training and still call this an appropriate response?

[+158, -3] And that's what makes making money hard

[+137, -14] ㅋㅋ This is what happens to anyone who earns enough fame and money. She's never going to return to her roots after this. What does she care when her status is already sky high? I'm sure she'll look for her roots again once her fame drops and no one knows who she is.

[+64, -0] If she's going to be lazy, then at least give out discount tickets... We get international news all the time about how expensive Black Pink tickets are, don't you think your audience would be upset to watch such a lazy performance at this prices? Every career comes with its own responsibilities, and it's wrong to expect sympathy from the public just because you "have it hard"... If it's hard, you need to quit. No one forced you into this career. No one forced you to take all of the wealth and riches that came with it. The public is not responsible for having to understand why you're not performing to the best of your ability.

[+37, -8] She can't control her body or mind but seems to have a good control over dating prospects...

[+26, -0] Then quit? No one's forcing you to stay. You're doing this to put food on your own table so why are you whining to us about it?

[+25, -1] You all know she's lying, right? If you look at any of their concert clips, Black Pink rarely wears heels, more like walker type boots. "Injured from wearing heels," what a lie. She's getting lazy because their contracts are up for renewal soon ㅎㅎㅎㅎ Maybe she'll head to Hybe after

[+14, -3] What's with all the hate? She's been doing well.. and everyone faces hardships in life once in a while... why are people being so sensitive ㅠ it's sad that society has become so hostile towards people...
