'True Crime' killer incites public outrage with testimony

Article: "I know I killed her but she seemed to come back alive and speak to me" Jung Yoo Jung's testimony is goosebump-inducing

Source: Everyday Economy via Nate

[+1,724, -22] What gives me more goosebumps is that there are probably a lot more psychos like her out in society right now

[+1,482, -16] Death penalty!

[+845, -45] It's disgusting that she claims she committed this murder to pain her father. Why did you pick a target who is weaker than you? Please bring back the death penalty! Teach criminals that they will be given death if they commit such crimes! 

[+72, -7] She stabbed her 110 times with a weapon, I can't imagine how much pain the victim's family must be in reading that

[+64, -1] The poor victim... she seemed like a kind lady who studied hard... Her parents must be opening their eyes to hell every single day right now..

[+49, -5] Don't bother giving excuses. You are nothing but a criminal who has committed a murder, and you will pay the price for it.

[+48, -1] I don't care about any story about a difficult childhood or whatever. Some poor soul was tragically killed because of this b*tch. I hope she catches a disease in jail and dies a painful death.

[+42, -0] I think all that talk about her father is just an excuse... She stabbed the victim 111 times... that's just a psycho right there...

[+33, -0] This testimony sounds like she's trying to cut down her jail time by pleading insanity

[+28, -0] There are young women all over the country who are living impoverished, difficult lives. That will never justify not even assault... Just because you were brought up in a difficult childhood with a broken family and failed to get into the college you wanted does not mean you get to kill someone. Don't bother expecting a shorter sentence. You deserve to rot in jail for 50 years.

[+19, -1] Nope, I don't want to hear another word from her. Death penalty immediately. 


Source: Naver

[+687, -3] Just such a shocking murder... The victim was stabbed 111 times.. so cruel. Please sentence her to the death penalty. If the taxi driver had never reported her, can you imagine how many more psychopathic murders could've happened? She's a cruel and strategic murderer. Don't feed her too well in jail. She must be sentenced to the death penalty. So much of the public is enraged...

[+221, -13] "I felt betrayed by my father's remarriage," "I was devastated to have to live with my grandfather when I didn't get along with him," Lady, I don't think there's anyone on earth who would get along with you. Why didn't you just murder your father and killed yourself instead? All of this could've been resolved, then. May the victim who was sacrificed for your evils rest in peace.

[+157, -1] How is she still not getting the death penalty.. please ask yourself what you would want if the victim was your own family

[+133, -3] Not another word out of her mouth is worth listening to. She has no human right to protect. The more we let her talk, the more we are ripping into the hearts of the victim's family.

[+88, -1] Honestly, parents who fail to raise their kids properly should also be punished as well
