Actress Jin Ye Sol arrested for drunk driving

Article: 'Drunk driver' actress turns out to be Jin Ye Sol "I will reflect and take hiatus" handwritten apology

Source: Financial News via Naver

[+727, -8] Don't care, don't even know who you are

[+343, -3] Don't bother coming back. Just keep your hiatus going. Someone innocent could've died because of you. You really couldn't spare the extra money to call a taxi instead?

[+302, -5] Cause an accident -> run away -> agency shields you -> public outcry -> handwritten apology -> apology video in black outfit -> close comments on all SNS content -> return to TV after 6 months -> claim you have been undergoing mental health treatments -> promise to work harder for your fans. The current trend of scandals!

[+196, -5] Celebrities are considered public figures for a reason. Because you are expected to lead by example. Please do not call people like this public figures.

[+188, -5] People will never consider drunk driving a crime to forgive. It will always be considered attempted murder.

[+84, -0] I don't even know who you are

[+48, -3] Why do celebrities always think a handwritten apology will fix anything after they've committed something terrible like drunk driving? Just voluntarily quit your celebrity career and live the rest of your life out quietly.

[+32, -1] No need for a hiatus. Just don't ever come back. What you've committed is attempted murder.

[+23, -0] Your career's over, there's no hiatus here ㅋ


Source: Insight via Instagram

[+303] I had to look her up to figure out who she is and she was on some TV show claiming that she only drinks warm teas over coffee and refuses to eat anything with flour in it because of how strict she is with taking care of herself... seems like she had no problem scarfing down that alcohol, though ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ what a comedy

[+447] There's no forgiving drunk driving, ever. Anyone who grabs hold of the steering wheel after driving is pretty much declaring that they're going to kill someone. Don't ever come back; 

[+157] An actress who made it big off of her drunk driving scandal and not for her acting ㅋㅋㅋ

[+32] Please don't drink if you don't have enough money to spare for a taxi

[+14] Hiatus nono, retirement yesyes

[+8] Was trading your life in to save a few bucks on a taxi worth it? 
