Surveys show that the modern Korean woman is increasingly disinterested in dating, and men in general

Article: Mothers are burning with anxiety... "My daughter doesn't even want to date, let alone get married"

Source: Han via Naver

A Korean gallup survey polled men and women on how much they enjoy 'spending time' with people of the opposite gender of their age group. The survey revealed that 53% of unmarried men wanted to spend time with women, but only 21% of unmarried women wanted to spend time with men of the same age. If anything, 43% of women said they did not want to spend time with men at all, and only 22% for men who thought the same. 


[+1,129, -139] Understandable~ even dating is a scary endeavor these days in a world where men will beat and kill you over a date

[+1,026, -163] Most men are not considerate or good-looking. They have no money, are selfish, and expect you to cater to the whims of their parents when you get married. So many of them also look down on women and aren't afraid to get violent. There's just no charm to these men.

[+837, -57] If you're a woman who makes decent money on her own, I can see why marriage would be so scary... you're basically dumbing yourself down. You make them money, give them a baby, do their housework... with all that facing you down, who would feel like "I need to get married right now." Not only that, but you can do all of the above and still have to "manage" your husband so that he doesn't cheat or get out of line... ugh...

[+453, -48] Women get more stress after marriage. They have to cater to their in-laws, their husband's nagging, go through childbirth and child-rearing all alone... it's a death sentence. My daughter's still young but I won't recommend that she gets married when she's older. I desperately want her to live a free life.

[+386, -15] Dating itself is just added responsibility for both men and women. It's great if you have emotional room to handle it but when you're already so bogged down by the stresses of work and social obligations, it's hard to muster up the energy for dating too.

[+203, -5] The mothers of daughters have changed their perspectives in modern time... They'd rather their daughters just stay home than suffer in a bad marriage.

[+177, -3] Living alone is so easy. When you get married, it's double the work, a child on top of that... marriage is reality~~~

[+162, -8] Women put themselves at risk of being murdered when they enter the dating market... The speed at which women are refusing to date at all will only increase from here. 

[+138, -3] When a woman gets married, all the housework, child-rearing, and money-making falls on her~~~ with the added bonus of now having to take care of your in-laws

[+131, -3] Trust me, no mothers are worried about their daughters right now ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Most mothers want their daughters to stay single, and are actually worried that they'll get involved with some weirdo. I bet you the only mothers who are worried are the ones with sons who are anxious about them being bachelors for the rest of their lives. Mothers of daughters are not worried at all.

[+118, -2] Just look at the news... recently, a man beat a woman to the point of hospitalization because she didn't want to give him her number. Many continue to commit crimes when you turn them down ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ it's all just so ridiculous

[+97, -9] Our society is reaping what it sowed. We prioritized the patriarchy and putting the in-laws' family above all else, allowing wife-beating, alcoholic men to get away with destroying their families... The newer generations have watched and learned, and I am not surprised that they're responding in this way.

[+85, -2] The only anxiety that mothers have is that their daughters will end up with some weirdo

[+70, -2] Women are more educated now, and can financially care for themselves. No need to get married and add suffering to your life.

[+66, -1] The media continues to talk about this as if it's some bizarre phenomenon happening amongst women but it's not abnormal: women are finally becoming "normal." There is no longer any reason for them to do all the housework, raise all the children, and remain the breadwinner, all for a man whose average height is 173 cm with an alcoholic's bloated tummy. I am honestly astonished at the women who still choose to take on that labor. 
