Parents raise ethical concerns about idols marketing luxury brands to young teens

Article: "They're still so young" why are luxury brands casting teen idols after Jennie?

Source: Everyday Economy via Naver

[+911, -8] We all work so hard to make our money... and spend it so easily

[+639, -12] Koreans are being completely taken for fools by these luxury brands. Our people have shown that we have no personal standards, that we'll always be following whatever trends we see on SNS, and we encourage that vanity in our youth. New Jeans or whatever - they're all just building blocks in marketing. We all know that teens have no care for the actual cultures or arts, they're only crazy for these celebrities and brands know that.

[+297, -13] It's getting harder to raise kids these days with inflation, expensive academies, needing to dress them in brand name clothes... all the while our pay stay the same..

[+47, -1] If we truly care about our children, we have to stop calling these brands 'luxury brands' and start calling them 'excessive brands.'

[+42, -0] Idols should be more considerate of the kind of influence they're spreading to young kids, but instead they're all competing for luxury brand ambassador positions and attending all these fashion shows... It disappoints me every time.

[+35, -0] Stop calling them 'luxury brands.' Start calling them 'excessive brands' and 'high-priced brands.'

[+32, -0] A terrible combination of our people's pathetic need to fit in + malicious marketing...

[+24, -3] Blame their agencies. What do these idols know? They're just doing what they're told to do. Hybe must be so blinded by their own greed, and the blood is on their hands if they continue to lead kids down a path of seeking luxury products.

[+13, -0] Just a sick ploy to get weak-minded children addicted to luxury products.. tsk tsk tsk

[+9, -0] These brands know that Koreans are gullible fools. They're basically gaslighting our children through these ads.

[+9, -0] Yeah, stuff like this needs to be regulated. You have no idea what kids are capable of committing to get their hands on these luxury things.

[+8, -1] It's so dystopian to see children advertising these luxury brands... and isn't New Jeans' image supposed to be innocent, teeny boppers? Where does luxury branding fit into that..

[+7, -0] The 'Human Chanel' stuff always made me laugh

[+7, -1] The parents need to get together and put out a protest or something. There's just nothing good that can come out of marketing expensive products to teens like this. We all know that the main consumers of idols are young teens... 

[+5, -0] And this is why idols are called clowns
