Lucas officially leaves NCT and WayV

Article: Lucas is leaving NCT and WayV

Source: Idol Issue via Instagram

[+118] Lucas, please make sure you're leaving SUper M too. I don't ever want to see you with our Taemin again. 

[+58] Solo promos my a$$ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+53] He hadn't already left? 

[+42] F*ck it, just stay off our TV screens for good;;;;

[+37] Would be nice if Park Chanyeol and Kim Jongdae would leave EXO too...

[+33] Why is he even bothering with a solo; 

[+30] Leave Super M too!!!!!!!!!!! Super! M! exit! Super! M! exit!!!! Solo promos? No! Leave SM! Leave!!!!

[+30] Why no mention of Super M? SM, please tell us he's leaving SUper M too

[+28] He's leaving Super M too, right? I'm so glad... I always got horrified at seeing little trails of his rehearsal videos cropping up.. Anyways, please tell us that he's leaving Super M too. 

[+21] He was still around??

[+19] Happy about the exit but why is he doing solo promos??????

[+18] Leaving only now?? And going solo for no reason??

[+16] Couldn't you please just leave SM and never show your face again in Korea?

[+15] And why.. is there no mention of SUper M 👊 Can't believe SM wasted two years when he should've just been kicked out from the start; anyway, love you NCT

[+14] I'm so damn happy.... why couldn't he leave sooner, though; and what's this bull about solo promos;;;;;

[+12] Wait, when was there a nobody member like this in our amazing visuals/vocal/dance team NCT? 

[+12] I didn't know he hadn't left yet. I'd much rather he go out on his own than affect NCT or WayV any further. 

[+11] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He better not even dream of having any solo promos. I don't ever want to see him anywhere else. Why didn't he leave sooner? Why not right away? Because he doesn't have an ounce of shame... Leaving only now ㅋㅋㅋ hilarious. You ridiculed your fans and the long friendships you've built all this time.. I hope that karma comes to get you~

[+10] Nope, no solo promos. Please don't give him any solos ㅠ you ba$tards. 

[+10] Finally... but if he's going to be doing any solos, he better go back to his home country or China to do them

[+9] Solo.. activities...? Lucas, you got networks like that? 

[+9] Leave Super M too

[+8] Get out of Super M and f*ck off from Korea too

[+8] Lucas, if you're going to go solo, please go back to your hometown and do it. F*ck off from Korea forever. 

[+7] Wait, SM-ah, what about Super M...?

[+5] Oh, I had no idea he hadn't left yet. As always, SM always holds on to their problematic members. 

[+4] I thought he had already left..? It's been a while for me since I considered NCT a 22-member group

[+4] Nice

[+5] Please give us news of leaving Super M as well

[+3] Assa

[+3] Will he still be promoting with Super M then? 

[+2] Finally he's gone. Now please kick him out of Super M as well. 

[+2] I wish he'd just leave SM on the whole.. dammit...

[+2] No way no way, this is for real ㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜㅜ I've been waiting for this day for so long

[+1] Exit? Should've just been kicked out.

[+1] I highly doubt SM's going to be supporting any solo career for him

[+1] Finally SM has woken up
