Korean influencer victim of racist 'slant-eyed' mocking on live stream

Article: Korean influencer suffers racist attack with 'slanted eyes' gesture during live stream

Source: Kukmin Ilbo via Naver

[+698, -2] But why are her eyes more slanted than the Asian's she's mocking?? ㅋㅋㅋ She needs to look at herself objectively

[+237, -4] The Asian woman is prettier, that's fact

[+104, -1] Who does she think she's slanting her eyes at? Puhahaha, the audacity of such an orc! ㅋㅋㅋ

[+45, -1] From the video, the racist one has more slanted eyes than the woman she's mocking

[+39, -0] What's funnier is that her eyes are smaller than the Asian's ㅎ

[+24, -0] I deal with foreigners a lot and women like her are the lowest of Western society. They have no money or brains, nothing but simmering resentment for everyone around them. Most Westerners have more etiquette than this.

[+21, -0] I guess being jealous of someone prettier than you is a global feeling

[+17, -0] Just fight back by pointing at their armpits and saying it smells

[+16, -0] This woman needs to take a look in the mirror before judging others!! She must've been jealous that the Asian woman is prettier than her.. ㅡㅡ;;

[+12, -0] The Korean woman has bigger and rounder eyes.. how pathetic to resort to actions like this just because you don't know how to handle your jealousy

[+9, -0] Who are the two ajummas on the right?? ㅡㅡ Their eyes are more slanted than hers ㅎ
