Girl's Day's Yura changes up her vibe

Article: Girl's Day's Yura's vibe has completely changed

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+360] Why did Yura become Mijoo!!!! She's lost those features that make her unique

[+268] Her cheekbones have disappeared

[+176] What did she get done...

[+130] I also thought it was Lee Mijoo for a second

[+97] Looks like any other picture you'd find on Instagram, just me?

[+26] She's lost the unique beauty that made her Yura 😢

[+19] Yura has become Mijoo ㅜㅜ

[+17] ?????? She's become a whole different person...;;;;; I personally think she looked more unique before...

[+12] I had to momentarily go huh? Who is this again?

[+6] I think she shaved her cheekbones down

[+5] She's pretty then and now. I think she lost a lot of weight in her face, which gave her a new vibe. She looks like a lithe ballerina now ã…Ž

[+3] I will never understand celebrities who keep getting things done when they're already so pretty and charming as they are. I'd rather not see such excessively done-up faces on TV anymore. 

[+2] Facial contouring surgery?

[+1] Facial contouring? Double eyelids? Something's changed, but it's only noticeable because we remember what she used to look like. She does look pretty, though. 

[+1] She's pretty now but I miss the round-ish, cutesy feel that her old face had.. she lost too much weight 😢
