CAP leaves TEEN TOP after swearing/smoking controversy

Article: TEEN TOP's CAP, who 'swore' on live stream ahead of group's comeback, will be leaving the team

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+633] Just like his name CAP, he's leaving the team because he's dumb (cap = moja = mojarada = to be lacking in the brain)

[+177] As the so-called leader of a team... he should've been more careful. Actions like this not only harm your own image but impact the team's as well. As if swearing wasn't bad enough, he was smoking on stream as well.. what a mess... I feel bad for the members who trusted in him and followed him all this time.

[+117] ㅋㅋㅋㅋ What's with his tattoos

[+74] He's living up to his name, keep it up 👏

[+73] Honestly, I don't know who any of them are except Niel

[+61] Who is he though;;;;;

[+65] Honestly, with all those tattoos and his behavior, he seems like a loser thug

[+30] This is the thug who got in trouble in the past for saying if he has a daughter, he was going to keep her locked up at home and beat her ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

[+25] All those tattoos everywhere, scary~~~

[+22] Nugu...

[+17] Who is this... a thug or a singer?..

[+8] Hilarious... maybe this was his plan all along, to leave the group..

[+4] Seemed like 'Hangout with Yoo' was trying to hype him up but he kicked his own career down the hole himself ㅋ

[+3] What a frustrating situation for the group. They could do everything perfectly and still barely be competitive enough up against INFINITE, but are thrown curve balls like this instead. Poor Niel. 

[+3] His tattoos make him look like such a loser
