Moon Hee Jun expresses disappointment at JamJam's shy English skills despite years of academy lessons

Article: Moon Hee Jun's reaction to JamJam's inability to conversate with a local in English despite attending an 'English language academy'

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+214] Honestly, most of English learning comes from immersion. Sending your kids to academies is pointless if you're not using the language at home... That academy money is better spent on taking the kid to another country for a few months.

2. [+104] I'd be frustrated too since I'm sure the academy costs him over a million won a month ㅋㅋ My husband talks sh*t about my kid's English school principal all the time

3. [+144] I'm sure kids being naturally shy comes into play as well ㅎㅎㅎ English isn't a skill that a child naturally develops on their own, especially if their parents don't speak it with them ㅋㅋ

4. [+52] It all just amounts to a parent's greed in the end~~~

5. [+47] If you want real English skills, the best way to learn is immersion with the locals

6. [+18] Yeah, there's no way she's at a level where she can conversate with a native speaker... Don't waste more money on it. I get so frustrated seeing parents sink so much money into English academies.

7. [+5] Well, for starters, native speakers don't speak slowly like the teachers do at school. And unless the child is exposed to English at home as well, there's really no point in learning it at school at all.

8. [+13] Kids her age are all shy. You could speak to her in her mother language and she'd still stumble over her words. I don't think it's an issue with her language skills or anything, it's just her personality.

9. [+1] Oh come on, this kid's only in elementary school... The father's quite greedy for expecting native proficiency from her already. I've seen middle/high schoolers spend 1-2 years studying abroad who still can't speak English fluently yet. I feel bad for JamJam to have to grow up under such pressure from her parents...

10. [+6] Just let her speak what she wants. I feel like this will harm her self-esteem ㅜ

11. [+4] Most English language schools are a scam... sigh

12. [+10] Well maybe JamJam is taking after her parents and doesn't have a brain for studying

13. [+2] I could already tell how damaged JamJam's self-esteem was by the way Moon Hee Jun was looking at her....
