'Mask Singer' criticized for featuring Clazziquai's Horan, three-time drunk driver

Article: Protests galore over Horan's comeback to 'Mask Singer' with a history of three counts of drunk driving

Source: Insight via Instagram

[+878] We need a new law where if you're caught drunk driving over two times, your license plate gets changed to a green or red color so that the police on the road know to stop you whenever they want to do a check-up. Oh yeah, and the fee for getting your plate changed is 100 million won each time. 

[+666] Let's please intensify punishments for drunk driving by cutting off the wrists of criminals like this so that they can never hold the wheel again ^^

[+445] Three times at that? ㅎㅎ She's quite gutsy. 

[+342] Drunk driving needs to be treated as murder 🔥🔥🔥

[+208] Drunk driving should be a one-strike offense. Caught once and you're kicked out of the industry for good. 

[+160] Anyone with a drunk driving record should know to stay off of TV..

[+79] They had no other singer to invite? Or is it time that this show gets taken off air as well?

[+43] We lost the life of a precious child just yesterday to drunk driving. There's no reason a drunk driving criminal should be on our TV screens. 

[+29] She's shameless, that's all I can say...

[+9] She has to be crazy... even if she was given such an opportunity, she should know to turn it down. How dare she actually accept the invite. 
