'Mask Best Singer' criticized for featuring another controversial singer, Cao Lu, after Horan

 Article: 'Mask Best Singer' under criticisms again... right after 'drunk driver' Horan, for casting 'South China Sea' Cao Lu

Source: Herald Economy via Naver

[+678, -1] If they're running out of stars to cast, just take the show off air. I'm sick and tired of all these controversies.

[+162, -2] Who's up next week? Shin Jung Hwan and Go Hyung Wook co-starring?

[+93, -4] Just get rid of the show. 

[+11, -0] Yeah, I'm not watching MBC...

[+5, -0] Get rid of the program

[+5, -0] The show has done enough, it's time to move on~ At this rate, we're going to be getting Seungri and Jung Jun Young co-starring with a duet. Enough's enough.

[+3, -0] MBC's always stirring up trouble and then going like "sorry~" ㅋㅋ... just take the show off air~~

[+3, -0] I'm more amazed that this show still has viewers...

[+3, -0] So when's Seungri and Sae Ron's episode coming up???

[+2, -0] I bet she's only wearing a hanbok on the show so she can later claim that the hanbok is China's too

[+2, -0] And she wore a hanbok on the show? Is she kidding me right now?


Source: Insight via Instagram

[+370] Is the show just meant to recycle thrown out celebrities now ㅋㅋㅋ

[+231] Stop trying to stay on air by casting problematic celebrities now that you've run out of people to cast and just get off... you've milked it enough!

[+81] Taking the show off air is the obvious answer, no? You obviously have no one left to cast; isn't that why you're even casting someone with a South China Sea controversy?

[+155] Time to take the show off air

[+25] MBC never fails to disappoint

[+66] This is one of those shows that allows problematic celebrities to slip back in
