Man arrested for throwing brick at Park Eun Bin's drama staff for noisy filming in the middle of the night

Article: Man throws brick at female staff on set of Park Eun Bin's drama for filming noisily late at night

Source: Money Today via Nate

[+650, -5] Why were they filming in a residential area at 3-4 am??

[+585, -7] I kinda get it from his perspective, he was just trying to get some sleep.. these TV sets really act like they're king

[+519, -5] I understand his feelings in doing so...

[+74, -2] 3 am is when you should be deep in rem sleep, I'd be pissed if I had work the next day and they were blasting loudspeakers and shining lights outside...

[+69, -0] Shouting and shining lights at 3 am... you're lucky he didn't run out there with a bat

[+67, -2] If they were disrupting his sleep by shining lights and being noisy at 3 am, he's justified

[+59, -1] We live in a country where people get into knife fights over noisy neighbors, they should be lucky he didn't bring out any weapons. Please let people sleep when it's night time. I highly doubt it was a one time incident that pushed him to this point.

[+35, -0] These dramas are not serious enough to be disrupting people's lives like this

[+31, -0] I totally get him.. 3 am is a time when people are normally asleep


Source: Naver

[+139, -2] If you're forced to film late at night around residential areas, the least you can do is obtain consent from the residents or move filming to another time. Drama staff are seriously so abusive, tsk tsk. They act like their jobs make them king.

[+69, -2] 3:25 am... that's rem sleep hours for most people. They deserved to get bricked.

[+40, -1] These drama sets cause all sorts of disruptions for everyone and rarely act apologetic when they're called out on it.

[+28, -1] Is a drama filming more important than a resident's right to sleep? A lack of sleep can seriously ruin that person's work day.

[+4, -0] I understand the frustration of being woken up at 3 am but... you should not throw rocks at people, use your words...
