Kakao Talk adds new group chat feature prompting users to beg for more

Article: Will we finally get out of 'group chat jail'... Kakao Talk adds option to 'reject group chat invites'

Source: YTN via Naver

1. [+138, -0] Is it so hard to just give us the option to sneak out of a group chat without alerting everyone? Why won't Kakao ever listen to us?

2. [+79, -1] I wish they'd change the fact that we're automatically added to friend finders just for knowing someone's number

3. [+61, -0] We are in more urgent need of an option to leave group chats without notification

4. [+23, -1] This should've been an option from the beginning. Kakao really needs to do better. Do they not realize how uncomfortable this made things for so many people? We also need an option where you can opt out of invites completely.

5. [+5, -1] We need more, like the option to kick people out and edit group chats

6. [+4, -0] If it was a group chat that was socially acceptable for us to reject, then we would've left it anyway ㅎㅎㅎ

7. [+2, -0] Forget all this stuff, we need the option to leave group chats quietly. All you need to do is suppress notifications when someone leaves. Why aren't you listening?

8. [+1, -0] I am in desperate need of the option to quietly leave group chats, please save us ㅡㅡ I'm being harassed because of chats that I can't just simply leave... please let us leave quietly~~!!!

9. The option to leave rooms quietly, to automatically accept or reject group chat invites... I want to keep my Kakao limited to close friends, not open it up to co-workers and others!...

10. Let's be real, even if Kakao gave us the option to reject group chats, I bet the leader of the group chat will still harass us for declining it...
