Jun Do Yeon's 'Kill Boksoon' opens at #3 on Netflix global amidst mixed reviews

Article: 51-year-old Jun Do Yeon makes a hit with action... 'Kill Boksoon' ranks #3 on Netflix global

Source: Money Today via Naver

1. [+57, -14] I didn't think it was that good. Both the action and plot were awkward.

2. [+27, -2] It was great and all but... was the gay plotline necessary... Is she personally interested in that? Her last movie was like this, too.

3. [+26, -7] The CGI was even worse than 'Jung-E' ㅋㅋㅋ has the Korean movie industry just lost its touch? I don't think this would even hit 100,000 viewers in theaters.

4. [+14, -3] I will always trust Jun Do Yeon but I will also always skip anything by Seol Kyung Goo... Difficult decision.

5. [+13, -4] Boring ㅜ and she didn't fit her character that well either. It felt more like the movie was made for Netflix than a standalone movie production.

6. [+11, -2] I love her as an actress! But I think she made a misjudgment with 'Kill Boksoon' ㅠㅠ as she did with 'Memories of the Sword'...

7. [+8, -0] Gay plotline, girl crush, meaningless scenes, incoherent plotline... I fell asleep watching.

8. [+8, -1] She was good... She did well. Seol Kyung Goo, however, should stop acting.

9. [+7, -0] One of the coldest, top killers of the world is losing her mind over her teen gay daughter. She's supposed to be ruthless, no mercy, and yet that was the ending? Kind of made it difficult to suspend belief.

10. [+6, -1] So I heard the director is an Ilbe member? True?

11. [+4, -0] Please don't let the rest of the world watch this ㅠㅠ leave the damage to us...

12. [+4, -1] Boring

13. [+3, -0] Felt like a knock-off of 'Kill Bill.' And let's start with the director clarifying why he's an Ilbe member.

14. [+3, -0] The action scenes were so unnatural. I couldn't focus the entire time.

15. [+3, -1] This will probably be the most embarrassing name on Jun Do Yeon's filmography.


Article: 'Kill Boksoon' Byun Sung Hyun director under 'Ilbe' controversy... Netflix, "There were no political intentions behind the movie"

Source: No Cut News via Naver

1. [+141, -34] Well, it's not like his history is clean... and I heard physiognomy is science, so...

2. [+105, -14] Two mistakes, though? I was going to watch the movie this weekend but nevermind.

3. [+73, -12] Ilbe has nothing to do with politics. It's just abnormal to be a part of it. Since when was a community that supports the Japanese invasion and even praises it considered "just political"?

4. [+39, -8] Just speaking honestly here, don't watch the movie guys. Jun Do Yeon barely looks like she could weigh even 50 kg and yet she takes on 4-5 adult men and kills them. So unrealistic, I could only help but laugh ㅋㅋ

5. [+12, -3] Nevermind all this Ilbe stuff. The movie itself is just so bad that no other discussion is needed.

6. [+11, -2] I don't care what political orientation this guy is, I don't even care if he supports Yoon Seok Yeol or is against him. But being a part of an extremist community like Ilbe has nothing to do with politics, it should just outright be banned.

7. [+10, -2] I watched the movie out of high hopes for Jun Do Yeon and just ruined my mood... Her acting was good but everything else was outdated and boring. I totally don't recommend the movie.

8. [+9, -2] Eh, I didn't get any Ilbe vibes from the movie... It always feels like these scandals are made up for some reason.

9. [+8, -2] Ilbe or whatnot aside, my wife fell asleep watching... and I really struggled to finish it myself.

10. [+4, -1] Nevermind all the Ilbe stuff, the movie is just flat-out disgustingly boring. I don't get how you can take such a talented cast and waste them on a movie like this. If this had opened in theaters, it would've done abysmally in numbers. It was such a huge waste of time, like some 'John Wick' knock-off, tsk tsk.
