Seungri has been partying it up since getting out of jail

 Article: A month into Seungri's release from prison... "Contacting celebrities and friends to go to the club together"

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+963] Of course he's like this, why would anyone expect him to have gotten his sh*t together after only a year and six months ㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+631] He still hasn't gotten it together

3. [+494] He used to be a boy with big dreams, someone who used to beg for someone to listen to him sing just one more line when he was at risk of being eliminated from Big Bang... what a shame how it all turned out

4. [+207] He's still in love with the clubs ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+853] People can never be fixed

6. [+171] Throw him back in

7. [+327] It's time for him to go back to jail

8. [+98] His sentence was too short, right?

9. [+54] He's still out of his mind...

10. [+63] Go back to jail

11. [+23] Wow... I'm not even surprised at this point

12. [+108] Old habits die hard

13. [+54] It's true, people can never be fixed. Someone's true heart and their personality will never change.

14. [+87] A dog would sooner quit eating his own poop than he would quit the clubs...

15. [+34] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Old habits die hard indeed


Article: Seungri completes prison sentence, vacationing in Bangkok with Yoo Hye Won? Witness accounts delivered

Source: Wikitree via Instagram

1. [+206] Who is Yoo Hye Won...

2. [+192] More than Seungri... I don't understand what this woman is thinking... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+87] Do we need to know this stuff?

4. [+85] And he's hitting up all his friends to go clubbing together... He's really still lost his mind

5. [+74] And what's he doing in Bangkok? Trying to get access to drugs without intervention?

6. [+34] Who is Yoo Hye Won?

7. [+32] He just refuses to live a normal life

8. [+53] Birds of a feather flock together 👏 Please stay there and don't come back

9. [+15] What is inside of that brain of his?!!!

10. [+19] Sigh, I don't expect much from a woman who's willing to date someone like Seungri. Probably birds of a feather ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I hope they get married ㅎㅎ👏


Source: Idol Issue via Instagram

1. [+63] The woman has no brain and Seungri still has a long way to go to wake up to reality

2. [+56] Send him back to the army. He really did nothing but milk his perks in jail all this time.

3. [+36] Wow, he's still living it up. Must be nice to be so rich.

4. [+20] And yup, people never change

5. [+84] Anyone willing to date such a man is just as brainless

6. [+41] Amazing in the worst of ways..

7. [+4] Brainless h*e..

8. [+77] What an amazing girlfriend... sugoi
