'Running Man' enjoys a jump in viewer ratings for the New Year

Article: 'Running Man' returns to 6 pm time slot after 6 years and hits 5.9% viewer ratings

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+91] Yesterday's episode felt like we were back to the good old days, it was really fun

2. [+89] Yesterday's episode really was good ㅋㅋ

3. [+72] And I can't help but notice that '1N2D' is still holding strong at 10% viewer ratings..

4. [+19] I wish we could keep it with the Running Man members and no guests 👏👏👏👏👏👏

5. [+12] The show has a lot of younger viewers so it ranks at the top of OTT streaming services. A lot of people skip the live airing and watch it later on a different platform.

6. [+7] Running Man has always been consistently good!

7. [+1] I guess I wasn't the only one who enjoyed yesterday's episode ㅎㅎ it was so funny

8. [+14] The new episode was so good ㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+2] The show's always been good but it was legendary yesterday 🔥

10. [+1] I wish they'd bring back 'Family Rising', it was so funny watching everyone cook and stuff
