Lee Ji Hyun shares a terrifying experience of losing her kids on the subway

Article: Lee Ji Hyun reveals experience of losing her daughter in subway while son's coat is caught between doors while suffering 'panic symptoms'

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+2,142] Wait, so who took these pictures? She was in a frame of mind where she still thought to stop and take pictures?

2. [+1,427] I think this whole situation would've been more understandable if she just wrote a post saying this and this happened but to accompany it with such detailed pictures made me go huh??....

3. [+758] I think the title is causing this more hate than what actually happened. She didn't lose her kids in the subway because she was suffering from a panic attack. She meant that she chose to use the subway because long drives can trigger panic attacks and all of this is just something that happened while on the subway. It's not like her kids are young enough to be contained in a stroller, it's not completely unbelievable that they'd wander and get lost. Maybe she realized while waiting for the next to stop to find her daughter that she had enough time to take some pictures. Maybe she thought posting about it on Instagram would help her wake up and do better next time. Please don't beat a person while they're down. 

4. [+717] But she had the mental capacity to take pictures in a situation like this, though?

5. [+322] I suppose she had enough mind to take pictures, though

6. [+108] Why are people so hateful... so what if she took pictures, it's not unreasonable to lose your kid by mistake.. and judging by her kids' ages, they're old enough to handle themselves on the subway without her

7. [+13] These pictures give me goosebumps... especially the last one with her hair all disheveled

8. [+563] To be taking pictures in a situation like this... and even that last picture, just wow... 👏👏👏👏

9. [+885] This feels like a cry for attention and help. To think of taking pictures in such a drastic situation and posting about it without stopping to think whether this will get her hate or not? Because people with panic disorders don't act like this... Why was her first reaction to tell the public about this? Is the public the only source of help she can ask for? Seems like she shouldn't be tasked with watching over her kids when she can't even watch over herself...

10. [+121] She did not lose her kids because she was going through a panic attack. It sounds more like she dozed off and they wandered away. That's probably why she had enough mind to take pictures of the incident. Her daughter obviously had a phone to stay in contact by and it would've been easy to just tell her to get off the next stop and stay there until she gets there. This can happen to any parent. I think people are only bringing up her panic disorder because she's on medication for it, but one of the side effects of the medication is drowsiness. 
