Kang Min Kyung raises salary for job listing with another statement

Article: Kang Min Kyung responds to '25 million won salary slave controversy', "I was ignorant, and I have raised the salary to 30 million won"

Source: The Joongang via Naver

1. [+1,042, -46] ㅋㅋ Her ignorance and greed are as high as the sky. She wants Samsung-level qualifications for slave pay. This is pathetic.

2. [+564, -10] I don't know... I don't know that raising it by 3 million won is going to help recover her image at this point. Because let's be real, she would've stayed quiet if none of this was revealed to the media. It feels like she still doesn't know the real crux of the issue and what a shame for that...

3. [+374, -20] For the qualifications she's asking for (college graduate/3-7 years experience/CS skills), the salary will need to at least be 45 million won.

4. [+113, -0] The fact that she thinks 30 million won is adequate for the qualifications she's asking for is already so wrong. She's rotten from the roots, tsk tsk tsk.

5. [+66, -3] Just stick to singing~ You clearly don't have what it takes to run a business, you don't know how to treat workers right... stop with this tryhard act and getting the media all noisy with your mess.

6. [+63, -2] It makes me sad to think that it took all of this blowing up in the media for her to realize how important her staff are. The salary that she sets can determine someone's life trajectory. I'm also surprised that she thinks she's entitled to advertising expensive gas ranges and desks just because she herself is a celebrity. She isn't capable of introspection. Your success today is the culmination of hard work by your staff, and please don't forget that.

7. [+53, -1] Her excuses make her sound even pettier. All these excuses as to why she's allowed to use expensive things while her workers are barely paid enough to put food in their mouths ~ I hope no one's foolish enough to ever purchase another product from her again.

8. [+47, -3] Too bad character cannot be changed with plastic surgery like her face

9. [+46, -2] I think the bigger issue than problematic celebrities like her is the people who still support her ㅋㅋㅋ Why would you ever buy clothes from her? As if she knows anything about what she's selling? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+40, -1] She brushed her undisclosed ads controversy on YouTube under the rug by saying she was "ignorant" then too, she really wants us to believe this all over again??

11. [+37, -2] 30 million won is still not enough ㅠㅠ

12. [+28, -0] What's the point in raising it now after her image has already taken a hit? And we all know that people never change at their core.
