Pentagon's Hongseok granted medical discharge after 7 months of service

Article: Pentagon's Hongseok announces medical discharge 7 months into service

Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+209] He's being discharged because he's sick and yet so many are saying hurtful things ㅠㅠㅠ find strength!! 😢

2. [+97] If he's sick to the point where it's not treatable within the army, then I suppose we won't be seeing him on stage again after his discharge

3. [+53] Commenters, please think before you type... He's sick, why are you being so mean to him? Obviously he's being discharged because it really is that bad 😢

4. [+77] To all of his seniors and juniors who served with him in his unit... you suffered a lot...

5. [+77] There are a lot of soldiers who are continuing to serve with his degree of sickness or disease. They remain serving quietly to this day, but only because they're not a celebrity with perks... Idols like him should be transferred to a green camp or another easier position to continue their service like everyone else.

6. [+15] Weak man who needs panic disorder medication 😋 Useless in an actual war... who is protecting who!

7. [+257] I understand discharging him because he's sick but it won't be fair to allow him back on TV to sing and dance on stage again. That's not fair.

8. [+468] So he has agoraphobia and yet he's able to keep it in check on stage.. I see

9. [+142] I'm jealous. This is why serving as a celebrity is the cushiest job ever.

10. [+6] He hasn't even confirmed if he's returning to promos or not and yet you people are already so mad just for the fact that he's being given a medical discharge... And it's not like any of you will care if news later comes out that he's halting promos for good because of this. These hate comments will only hurt him in the end but none of you care about that, do you? It'll be too late to regret your words when their impact is felt.

11. [+79] So since he's being discharged for agoraphobia, surely he will retire from being an idol too? How can you sing and dance on stage when that's the center of your fear?

12. [+101] If he ever comes back as an idol again, then we need to call for a full investigation into the army officials who signed off on his discharge. He needs to also be re-enlisted.

13. [+51] Hongseok-ssi, it is okay!! Don't let the discharge get to you or make it feel bigger than it is! Take a break until you feel better and ready...!

13. [+6] Honestly, it won't be a good look for him if he gets discharged and then goes back to idol promos. But if he really is discharged for a real illness, I wish him a speedy recovery.

14. [+104] Sure, if you're able to escape the army, then do so... but if this is how you're going to escape it, you have to give up on your celebrity career for good. 

15. [+157] ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Celebrities get discharged for all sorts of excuses while the actual guys running laps out there aren't even granted a proper mental health examination. This idol will spend a year laying low before coming back like "I'm all better now, I got better through the love of you fans" ㅋㅋ He better not crawl back out, unless it's to crawl back into the army ㅋㅋㅋ
