BTS' Jin shaves his head in preparation for enlistment

Article: BTS Jin with shaved hair, enlistment tomorrow

Source: Donga Ilbo via Naver

1. [+454, -11] Stay healthy and come back well, Jin fighting ♡

2. [+245, -8] Good job. Don't let people push and pull you and offer false hope, just go and serve. Stay healthy and know that you've worked hard till this point.

3. [+188, -11] He has such a pretty head shape. Also, he has always said that he would serve. It's the politicians who tried to use him for their own gain.

4. [+90, -4] Still handsome even with a shaved head~

5. [+41, -0] This is good to see... He's walking a completely different path than peopl,e like Steve Yoo chose. Finish your service and come back to enjoy your heightened status.

6. [+32, -2] I've never seen such a handsome shaved head

7. [+29, -0] Still handsome even with shorter hair~ serve healthy and strong, our proud son of our country!!

8. [+26, -3] Sending him to the army feels like such an improper use of someone with more potential... like using a 100 billion won diamond as a golf ball

9. [+20, -0] Sad that he's enlisting now that it's cold. But then again, it's not like enlisting in the summer is any better ㅋ the army is difficult no matter when you serve. One thing's for sure: time will pass so just stay healthy and don't get hurt.

10. [+17, -1] It's amazing what our country's men do for us. Army service is never an easy thing and I feel like they don't get enough credit for it. Foreign countries anywhere in the US or Europe automatically give respect to anyone who's served.
