Kim Sae Ron said to be working at a cafe due to financial strain of her drunk driving scandal

Article: Kim Sae Ron reported to be working part-time at a cafe due to financial difficulties after drunk driving accident

Source: Newsis via Naver

1. [+2,068, -23] I am not curious about what she's up to and don't want to know

2. [+1,702, -23] So what... everyone her age lives like that

3. [+1,383, -30] How terrible was her spending that she blew through all her money in just a few months off of work? And part-time work as media play? ㅋㅋ Ridiculous... don't try to set up framework for people to feel sympathy for you.

4. [+540, -14] I don't believe it

5. [+456, -12] Do not ever worry for celebrities

6. [+189, -1] She's been driving Range Rovers and Bentleys and many other cars, what financial strain?

7. [+182, -0] Why does she drive a Range Rover and Bentley if she's under so much financial difficulties? Enough with this media play.

8. [+103, -0] By "financial difficulties", she means she won't be able to spend lavishly on luxury goods temporarily

9. [+78, -2] She's been an actress for over 20 years but it took one accident for all of her money to disappear? ㅋㅋ She's quite famous enough to get a decent amount per CF, at minimum 200 million won and at most, 4-500 million won. Her Namu Wiki page lists 10 CF deals, 14 movies, and 20 dramas ㅋㅋ The car she was driving when she caused the accident costs 140 million won alone. I get that she's probably a big spender but I highly doubt she's suffering financially at the moment ㅡ

10. [+70, -1] What a f*cking lie. This is all a ploy to gain sympathy so she can return to the screen. She attempted murder and should be kicked out of the industry for good over it. Just let her disappear on her own.

10. [+55, -0] Does she think financial strain means not being able to go to her 100 million won omakase lunches every weekend anymore? 

11. [+55, -0] Saerom-ah, if money's what you need, cafes are not where it's at~ you need hard labor to make decent money!

12. [+36, -1] Everyone her age works part-time jobs. The media always make it sound as if celebrities working a part-time job means something terrible has happened to your life.

13. [+21, -0] Her current home is worth 2 billion won, no??? I think media play like this to gain sympathy will come back to bite her. Just live quietly with your savings and don't come back to the public again.
