Kids admit to being bullied if they don't own Apple products

 Article: "Bullied if you use Samsung products, for real?" Younger generation is obsessed with expensive Apple products

Source: Herald Economy via Nate

1. [+334, -32] The MZ generation is so pathetic...

2. [+331, -49] We should all aim to use domestic products. Sigh... the Galaxy is so good, tsk tsk. I'm 38 years old and find our domestic products top of the line with great visuals and design.

3. [+280, -27] So are all the children of Samsung employees being bullied in school, then? For younger kids, Samsung products are best because you can drop it or dunk it in water and still be able to fix and reuse it.

4. [+32, -1] It's always the ones who don't even make their own money who are obsessed with Apple and iPhone products.. ㅋㅋ

5. [+31, -0] Is there even a reason for young kids to be using Macbooks...? Isn't Windows better for most unless you're doing intense graphic work? Teens only want Macbooks because they're tryhards.

6. [+24, -0] Kids are dumb and don't care about specs or personal needs, they just want the outer image of owning a Macbook

7. [+23, -1] Kids, please use Samsung. They will actually fix your products for you.

8. [+19, -0] More important that we raise these kids to be self-confident without the need for such products

9. [+13, -0] What does a high schooler even need a Macbook for unless you're a programmer? Just use an Asus. You can get a Macbook when you're old enough to get a part-time job and pay for it yourself. Money doesn't grow on trees, you know.

10. [+11, -0] Kids these days want iPhones worth over a thousand dollars just to play games on... what a bunch of tryhards.
