Kang Ji Hwan ordered to compensate drama company for his assault scandal

Article: Actor Kang Ji Hwan ordered to compensate production company for 'Joseon Survival Period' 5.3 billion won

Source: Asia Economy via Naver

1. [+586, -27] Something about this entire case feels unfair to him.. feels weird that the women were swimming in his pool and everything while he was passed out drunk

2. [+170, -7] He really ended his entire career by letting the wrong women into his house..

3. [+109, -9] I feel bad for him...

4. [+105, -18] Wow~~~~ a r*pe with 5.3 billion won 👍

5. [+56, -2] The way the women were acting on CCTV... there needs to be an investigative documentary done about this case

6. [+37, -2] He was bitten by kkot-baems~~ everything about this case feels off

7. [+35, -0] He must feel so unfair about this whole thing, to end up like this even after the womens' Katalk conversations were released...

8. [+40, -6] When he's actually the victim all along ㅜㅜ

9. [+32, -3] Goes to show how careful you should be with anyone you bring into your home. His one night cost him 5.3 billion won and a bankruptcy on the horizon. He was an actor with such a bright future but now he's rock bottom with an opaque outlook. I hope he understands that this, too, shall pass, and that he needs to hold it in and endure it. He can start anew because he's still young and healthy. Keep your health in check and anything's possible.

10. [+24, -0] This feels like it's not only entirely Kang Ji Hwan's fault~~~ 5.3 billion won is so unfair!!!
