Netizens question if Starship is behind Jang Wonyoung's drastic weight loss

Video: Jang Wonyoung's agency is hiding her chew/spit habit, doesn't eat much but water...?

Source: Drama Gallery via YouTube

1. [+322] Starship has always been so damn weird. It also feels weird that they don't let her film with previous IZ*ONE members or other members in general. IVE's comebacks are too fast as well.

2. [+244] I think her agency has crossed too many boundaries;; You can tell from her personality on screen that she's a strict perfectionist. She probably feels super stressed and pressured about every bite that goes into her mouth, thinking that it will get her hate. People are already giving Liz sh*t for gaining weight, I can't imagine how Jang Wonyoung feels seeing that. It's probably a combination of that fear + her perfectionist personality that's fueling her anorexia.

3. [+143] What are people going to do if she ends up with an eating disorder? ㅠㅠ Just let her eat what she wants within a set weight frame. How do agencies expect these kids to live if they're constantly measuring their weights and checking every day?

4. [+137] Wonyoung's tall so I don't think people would think she's fat if she gained some weight... Moreover, she seems to be too conscious of other eyes when she's on TV and acts too cautiously as a result, which breaks my heart ㅠ It's like she knows that anything she does can be controversial so she's trying her best to not cause any at all but I think she should relieve some of the pressure and feel more comfortable with herself. I wish her agency would take better care of her.

5. [+97] I don't think it has anything to do with her agency... She's doing this through her own will...

6. [+92] Her choreographer Chae Dasom said in an interview that Jang Wonyoung has great stamina. If all these rumors about her eating disorder were true, she would not be able to even lift a finger right now. Please, enough with the hate. Here's a copy and paste of the article: "IVE's Jang Wonyoung is a quick learner and great at expressing herself. She learns the moves quickly and understands exactly what the choreographers want in terms of gestures and facial expressions. She also has extraordinary stamina.
- I also think she was just born skinny... she seems to always chew her food thoroughly, what could she be but skinny with habits like that?
- How are people hating when they're just worried about her??
- People are pretending to be worried about her while accusing her of things they have no evidence of like chewing and spitting

7. [+65] What's the point of making all this money.. if you can't eat ㅠ

8. [+55] She's only 19 years old, still a baby ㅠㅠ and she's tall too ㅠㅜㅜㅜ gotta eat a lot ㅜㅜㅜㅠ

9. [+48] Honestly, she's only 45 kg at 173 cm tall.. she should at least be 53 kg... Isn't that what most people deem idol weight? Even 53 is still really skinny at her height...

10. [+47] Wonyoung-ah, let's be healthy ㅠ

11. [+42] All the comments are hating on Starship but I think this is more of a case of Jang Wonyoung being a perfectionist about herself and choosing to lose weight by her own will

12. [+39] Is Starship crazy...? They weigh the girls every day? They've had two comebacks this year already, just give them a break. A comeback after only four months... and can you imagine the pressure they put on Liz if they're like this to Jang Wonyoung..? Starship is so cruel. 

13. [+35] She's already so skinny, I feel like she shouldn't need to manage herself when they're not promoting. Her agency's being too hard on her..

14. [+12] I'm thinking that her agency put a lot of pressure on her which caused her to suffer from anorexia

15. [+41] She used to be chubby, I do think she has an eating disorder
- [+71] ?? When was she chubby, link me
- [+44] She only looked chubby because of her baby fat, she was always skinny
- [+11] She was skinny
