Kim Hye Soo donates 100 million won to flood recovery

Article: Kim Hye Soo donates 100 million won after hearing news of the family who passed in the half-basement

Source: Everyday Economy via Naver + Naver

1. [+2,792, -15] She has a beautiful face.. but such a pure heart as well.. she deserves all of the praise

2. [+1,483, -9] I have never seen a more exemplary celebrity. So many stars in the news for buying or selling this building and that and how much money they've made off of those sales... Kim Hye Soo is of a different mind!

3. [+296, -2] An amazing person... ♡

4. [+278, -11] She is an actress who shows the wisdom of age... thank you

5. [+149, -0] I heard she struggled for a long time because of having to pay back her parents' debt... she's amazing

6. [+137, -0] Finally something to soothe the mind after reading nothing but news of greedy celebritie

7. [+1,444, -13] She's really amazing

8. [+923, -10] Thank you, Kim Hye Soo-nim. Much better news to read than stuff about celebrities making money off of buildings.

9. [+737, -7] The media really needs to stop giving attention to Hyori, Sang Soon, Rain, and Tae Hee making millions off of selling buildings... Please only put up news like this.

10. [+341, -5] She's always been a charity angel. She has such a pretty and pure heart.. I hope our politicians would take after her for once.

11. [+234, -6] She surely is an angel sent from above~ ^^
