YouTuber slammed for inappropriate autism parody of 'Extraordinary Attorney Woo'

Article: "Are you Woo Young Woo?" middle schoolers bully others after watching drama 'Woo Young Woo'

Source: Wikitree via Instagram

Article explains that with the popularity of 'Extraordinary Attorney Woo', more and more are reporting that students are using accusations of autism to bully one another, asking others, "Are you Woo Young Woo?" or "Woo Young Woo's smart, why aren't you?" or "Try to act like Woo Young Woo".

1. [+103] The importance of education starting in the home

2. [+33] The saying that humans are all evil at their core... seems true

3. [+30] I can't believe we live in a world like this

4. [+11] Wow.. ใ…œใ…œ this is really making me tear up ๐Ÿ”ฅ

5. [+16] What do you expect from immature kids

6. [+34] There is nothing wrong with the drama. The blame is with the people who misuse it like this! These kids obviously come from families who never taught them any better, and schools are helpless when it comes to setting them straight. That is the core of the issue.

7. [+2] Lack of proper upbringing from their families is the biggest issue

8. [+2] I don't know how you could watch such a beautiful drama and let this be your only take away..

9. [+1] We really need more emphasis on character education... kids are getting more and more disrespectful lately.. ใ…กใ…ก

10. [+2] The sad part is... you look inside kids like this and you'll realize that they learned this behavior from somewhere and it's from us adults that they're reflecting

11. [+1] Really feels hopeless listening to conversations between middle and high schoolers ใ…‹ใ…‹ they're all talking about smoking and drinking

12. [+1] Lack of education in the home + lack of education in schools


Article: YouTuber receives backlash for mimicking 'Woo Young Woo'... responds "Just block me then"

Source: Kukmin Ilbo via Naver

1. [+2,383, -150] The fact that she uploaded a video at all of her mimicking a disability means she has given up on being a proper human being

2. [+1,156, -44] She claims she uploaded the video for people who have the same humor as her ใ…‹ใ…‹ since when was mimicking people with autism considered humor? Such bizarre people in the world... and to think she considers that an explanation? If you think that you can mimic someone with autism just because an actress is portraying a character in a drama, you need to go seek mental therapy. This is embarrassing and totally inconsiderate to the pain this has caused people with autism. 

3. [+796, -25] If you're going to film this stuff at all, just share it within your own family. You "shared this for people with similar humor"? That's like a murderer saying it's okay to put out videos of his murder because there might be people who enjoy those things. You need to understand why you're being criticized and apologize for it.

4. [+532, -29] She's totally the type of hopeless people who are clueless to the opinions of those around her. Everything about the way she speaks and the way she moves her hands disgusts me. None of this is funny at all.

5. [+122, -1] Park Eun Bin and the drama producers have been extremely cautious with her portrayal of people with autism. She herself said that she did not watch any video clips of behavior but studied only papers on diagnoses to create this character. Parodies of this YouTuber's nature should not be allowed at all. 
