Kang Daniel issues apology for making insensitive gender comments about 'Street Woman Fighter'

Article: "What's wrong with saying they're scary... you're blocked" Kang Daniel under controversy for gender-sensitive comments

Source: Seoul News via Naver

When asked about his experience as an MC for both 'Street Woman Fighter' and 'Street Man Fighter', Kang Daniel said in a message to his fans, "Honestly speaking, MCing for men was a lot more comfortable and happy for me. I didn't feel intimidated. I felt really scared before with 'Street Woman Fighter'." When fans criticized him for gender discrimination, he replied back, "What's wrong with saying they're scary? You guys try and recite a poem in front of 60 men. You'd be scared, too, wouldn't you? And they're all nunas with thick eyeliner on. I'm not saying they're scary based on gender. I'm speechless. Anyway, blocked. People like them are the type to get mad at standing comedy shows. Life is hard enough as it is, let's keep it easy."


1. [+504, -52] I'm a woman myself and... I'd be pretty scared if I was in front of 60 really tough looking dancers too.

2. [+241, -10] As a man, doesn't it make sense that he'd feel more at ease around other men than women? Why should he feel more comfortable around women?? I don't think his comments had anything to do with gender sensitivity;; people are just interpreting this how they want to see it.

3. [+154, -12] I'd block them if I were him too. There's already enough stress in the world, why deal with people who twist your words like this? Sometimes being a celebrity doesn't seem worth it.

4. [+108, -6] Damn, they're really not letting him get a word out ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+74, -2] It's not like the women on 'Street Woman Fighter' were the meek or timid types;;; they're all super intimidating people who are all at the top of their game, so can you imagine the competitive vibes and tension in the room? Add that to the fact that they're a different gender from him;;; I would've been scared too.

6. [+72, -0] I don't get how people found his words uncomfortable. Even I thought the women looked intimidating when I was watching them on TV, I'm sure he felt it even moreso as their MC ㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+48, -1] I don't think him saying he was scared of them had anything to do with their gender necessarily... those fans deserved to be blocked by him.

8. [+43, -0] Way too many sensitive people lately.. can't say a word anymore ㅋㅋ every comment gets taken as problematic and hyenas dive in for the catch ㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+37, -0] People love going around calling them girl crush this, girl crush that, but when a man actually admits to feeling scared by them, they call it gender discrimination ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

10. [+31, -1] I'm a woman myself and I'd feel intimidated hanging out with 60 tough women like them...;;


Article: Kang Daniel uploads apology for his statement on 'Street Man Fighter'

Source: Wikitree via Instagram

1. [+118] I think he was perfectly in line with what he said. Life as a celebrity is so hard.

2. [+83] It does seem like he said a bit too much, though

3. [+18] What's wrong with this;;; I feel like he should at least be allowed to open up to his fans like this

4. [+26] Well, the fact that he's close friends with Seungri is already.....

5. [+43] What the f*ck, so he's not even allowed to say he's scared of what scares him anymore? This doesn't even sound all that controversial. I don't get how people who find everything a gender debate can function in society.

6. [+4] Wait, what's wrong with what he said?? Jeez

7. [+10] He did not put anyone down.. or say anything misogynist, so...

8. [+9] It's not like he's wrong, and people say this all the time. Even fellow women feel intimidated around large groups of women. It's sad that he's getting hate for it just for being a celebrity.

9. [+29] Can you imagine if a female celebrity said something like this? It would've never been seen as controversial, but Korean feminists are too sensitive of course ㅋㅋ

10. [+7] This is controversial? ㅋㅋㅋ Looks like he's being ripped apart by basement-dwelling feminists. Being a celebrity is harder than you think when you have to cater to everyone like this.
