Kyung Bok High narrows investigative search down to 2 students who harassed Aespa

Article: [Exclusive] Kyungbok High School under attack for the 'sexual harassment of Aespa', one student confirmed for posting inappropriately on SNS... another pending graduate under investigation

Source: Kyunghyang News via Naver

1. [+1,876, -233] Judging by the pictures posted, it wasn't just those two... Why aren't more speaking up about this? Like after school academies refusing acceptance for Kyungbok High School students? 

2. [+981, -16] Suspend them and make sure it leaves a record. A high school student should not be behaving this way.

3. [+670, -26] Investigate them and punish them by law. This is why kids like them are called sexual predators in the making.

4. [+743, -449] Men these days are hopeless. They're all stuck in their echo chamber of male only communities and have no idea why something's wrong. They just shout out at you if you try to tell them otherwise and turn a blind eye to anything that doesn't suit them.

5. [+95, -2] So funny how these pathetic cowards are too scared to even look a girl in the eye in real life but they'll say all this crap once they're online

6. [+76, -1] Lee Soo Man-ssi, if this is your alma mater, you should be the one going there to sing for them yourself. Why are you sending your idols there! We are well past the generation where you can order your staff around to go handle your private matters for you.

7. [+75, -2] To all of the Korean men saying "that's just how boys are", please realize that you are tainting your own image and lowering your class. It's ridiculous to me that these kids will get away with volunteer service. 

8. [+59, -3] Just Korean men being Korean men

9. [+51, -1] Lee Soo Man should just cut the limit at monetary donations. These girls went through the formal process of passing auditions to make their debuts, it's totally backwards for him to be using them like this for his own personal matters. It's sad to think that they were being forced to perform at a place like this without any proper security. And yes, I understand that the students might've been excited over seeing celebrities but the students who chose to verbally harass them should be fully punished.

10. [+33, -2] Make sure this stuff gets written down in their records, dirty kids

11. [+14, -1] What is SM's logic in even providing celebrities to the school like this?

12. [+12, -1] This isn't just a matter of "internet culture", these guys will never realize just how abnormal they truly are. They're disgusting.
