SM stocks drop after Aespa's Ningning congratulates China on controversial short track gold medal

Article: Aespa's Ningning enrages netizens by saying "Happy for China's short track gold medal"

Source: The Joongang via Naver

1. [+12,326, -29] The Chinese are always the same in the end... Go back to your country, China...

2. [+6,364, -16] Please stop putting Chinese kids in our idol groups

3. [+2,725, -52] Start a petition to kick Ningning out of the group. I've been liking Aespa lately but now she's caused me to dislike them.

4. [+2,317, -13] ? Is getting that gold medal something for you to feel happy over? Because I'd be embarrassed if I were you ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+1,485, -19] I understand supporting your home country but at a timing when you're making your money in Korea...

6. [+939, -1] Why the hell does SM keep taking in all these Chinese kids and letting them make money in our country? Do their backs not hurt from being stabbed so much?

7. [+541, -3] If all of your income is coming from Korea, at least have the sense to stay quiet. I wouldn't even care if she shared this on Weibo but she posted this on a Korean platform that her fans pay money to read ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+406, -0] If the gold medal was earned fair and square, then she has every right to support them. However, the medal is under a lot of controversies right now and it's inconsiderate of her to publicly support something that might've basically been stolen.

9. [+323, -1] SM is a fool. Another Chinese member after being backstabbed so many times from Super Junior and EXO already. Pffft.

10. [+320, -0] We need to start boycotting any group with Chinese members in them now. I'd rather give those opportunities to more Korean kids.


Article: Aespa Ningning's SNS statement, fanning a house on fire

Source: Herald Economy via Naver

1. [+3,813, -33] You cannot hide blood! I will be voting for the next candidate who promises to kick all of these Korean-Chinese out from our country.

2. [+3,194, -42] Why do you think BTS and Black Pink are so famous all over the world~ because they don't have a Chinese member. I refuse to listen to any group with a Chinese member in them anymore.

3. [+1,370, -16] Ningning is already infamous for putting down Korean culture in China in favor of Chinese culture 

4. [+1,128, -12] I can't tell if she's just senseless or foolish. Of all the Chinese celebrities we've seen in Korea so far, I think it's the latter. Please just take after the seniors before you who've run away back to China and go make your money there.

5. [+959, -5] Lee Soo Man at it again...

6. [+413, -2] Even a world star group like BTS has no Chinese member so why are groups still adding Chinese members anymore? At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if China started claiming that they created K-Pop too. Japanese members may be fine but there's really no point in having Chinese members anymore, is there? If anything, the world is just going to be more turned off by it.

7. [+291, -0] This is all a big plan. Show support for China, get media headlines back home about how she's so patriotic, go back to China, her contract be damned, and start talking about "oh, life was so hard in Korea, China is the best" and become the new most popular idol

8. [+239, -1] And that's bye bye to Aespa for me... farewell

9. [+157, -1] SM has really changed nothing since being betrayed by their Chinese idols after all this time

10. [+136, -1] Her brain is truly next level


Article: SM stocks drop at Aespa Ningning's China gold medal congratulations

Source: Everyday Economy via Naver

1. [+3,809, -21] Yes, be happy all you want. But also know that you should be embarrassed too.

2. [+2,048, -13] If you like China so much, go make your money and live there

3. [+1,649, -9] SM needs to get hate for this too. They need to stop creating idol groups with useless Chinese members. Do they not realize that public sentiment is heavily against China? They're stealing our culture, putting it down, and backstabbing us. Do you still really want to take in more Chinese idols to train?

4. [+1,263, -35] No more Chinese idols~~ 

5. [+847, -8] Are the Chinese not able to feel the emotion of embarrassment?

6. [+342, -0] At this point, SM has a serious mental illness. They get backstabbed by Chinese idols so much but keep adding them again and again. There's something mentally wrong there.

7. [+141, -3] All the Chinese idols ever do is come here to suck up all the money, then take it all back to their country and talk crap about Korea. Please stop bringing them in.

8. [+126, -1] And this is why I don't care for any idol group with Chinese members in them


Source: Naver

1. [+5,735, -48] Ningning can screw off back to China. Never step foot on our land again...

2. [+3,271, -12] What is SM's stubborn reason for adding Chinese members all the time?

3. [+1,132, -15] Imagine how little she thinks of our country... Chinese kids are always the same. They get successful here then run off back to China to talk crap about Korea and make more money off of that. It has happened time and time again so why do we keep adding them to groups...

4. [+721, -6] No more Chinese idols. I hate the CCP.

5. [+234, -1] It's fine for her to be happy over her home country winning a gold medal... but that medal was not fairly won. She should be embarrassed. If her income is dependent on K-pop, she should at least have the sense to stay quiet.

6. [+180, -1] I find SM more problematic than her

7. [+101, -2] Why can't SM make groups with only Korean members like BTS?

8. [+87, -0] Boy groups or girl groups, no more Chinese members. They are of no help at all.


Source: TBig News via YouTube

1. [+2,500] And this is why you don't add Chinese members to groups. SM truly amazes me, truly.

2. [+2,000] It's fine for Ningning to support her country but this truly makes me realize that she's Chinese after all

3. [+1,900] With the way Chinese idols have been acting, it might just be a business ploy for them. Purposely say things that incite Korean-Chinese conflict -> gather support from Chinese netizens for being the Chinese idol member -> incite Korean netizens into hate comments -> start reporting in Chinese media that a Chinese idol is getting hate in Korea -> garner sympathy and support from Chinese netizens -> lackluster popularity in China starts to soar -> now considered a Chinese patriot hero -> new easy life of fame and wealth in China

4. [+64] If there was nothing unfair about the gold medal, I know that netizens would've congratulated her about her home country's medal... but China won that medal through ridiculous cheats, and for Ningning to still congratulate that only caused people to get mad and turned this whole thing into a controversial. 

5. [+804] Seems she has no consideration at all for the rest of her members. At the very least, at the bare minimum, she shouldn't have said this out of consideration for her fellow members.

6. [+352] There is nothing wrong with cheering for your home country... but the situation changes when the medal was not earned fairly. This is a gold medal that not only Koreans don't agree with but the entire world... how much could a medal like that be worth?

7. [+204] There's a recent video of Aespa winning an award and they're giving an award speech only for Ningning to suddenly start speaking Chinese. You can see Winter's eyes going wide. Something about that incident made me feel off about Ningning, and seeing her pull this now... ^^ I'm speechless

8. [+230] She has to know that making a post like this will only hurt her and the other members in the end, I don't understand her need to do this
