Filipino 'Squid Game' actor Christian Lagahit shares his story of racial discrimination in Korea

Article: Filipino 'Squid Game' actor claims, "I experienced racism in Korea"

Source: MBN via Naver

1. [+2,163, -71] Don't put him down for saying this, we should all be reflecting instead... Why is it okay to get mad when westerners commit racism against Asians but we turn a blind eye when South East Asians experience racism in our own country? I've seen too many comments with such racist sentiments. We should be embarrassed, and we should reflect.

2. [+814, -18] What a crazy ajumma who did that to him

3. [+550, -35] What he experienced happens very rarely but he talked about it as if it happens often. Who could ever do that to him on a bus? Us Koreans may think things on the inside but we're usually not confrontational.

4. [+335, -59] There is no country without discrimination

5. [+126, -5] He was told to get off the bus because he's not Korean? This feels made up. I get that we live in tough times with a lot of weirdos out there but I don't think anyone would tell a foreigner to get off the bus.

6. [+107, -2] I don't know about this one. I don't think I've seen any Korean who would go as far as to hit someone with a head of cabbage on a bus. And no one stopped her either? Feels like a made up story.

7. [+85, -2] But is an ajumma in her late fifties strong enough to break someone's glasses by hitting them with a head of cabbage? From what I know of Korean ajummas, they would not want to waste food like that.

8. [+79, -4] I admit that racism exists but I think the cabbage story is made up. If his story is true, he could've reported it to the police. I'll admit that I don't like sitting next to foreigners on the bus because they either smell or wear too much perfume or are less cautious about the virus than everyone else but I don't think I'd ever hit anyone with a cabbage. Whether they're Asian or African or European or American, I just don't want anyone sitting next to me. It's not necessarily because they're a certain Asian.

9. [+76, -0] Someone really threw a cabbage at him on the bus for no reason? The woman's either mentally unstable or he made up the story.

10. [+49, -4] Feels like he's lying...

11. [+41, -0] I don't think that was an act of racism so much as just a crazy person... and no one thought to step up to help him because they knew she was crazy too

12. [+36, -1] Sounds like a lie... have any of you seen an ajuma like this??


Source: Naver

1. [+9,154, -738] Did he make this story up or what? I'd understand if it was some drunken thug but an ajumma threw a whole cabbage at him? Just for being a foreigner? Makes no sense...

2. [+3,531, -98] I have a hard time believing that a Korean ajumma threw a cabbage that she paid for... did she come pick it back up?

3. [+3,422, -69] Korean ajummas would never be so wasteful as to throw a cabbage out

4. [+2,097, -232] I don't believe that a Korean ajumma would do this. Check the CCTV for that bus before posting the story. It feels made up for attention...

5. [+1,004, -118] Don't lie. I'd understand if someone spat at you but throwing a cabbage? You can't just make up stories because there's no evidence.

6. [+449, -12] I don't think I've ever seen someone crazy enough to throw a cabbage at someone for being a foreigner ㅋㅋ I have a hard time believing this... A woman in her fifties??? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I think she'd sooner be scared of being knifed back to ever do something like that...

7. [+321, -9] If something like this really happened, people would've filmed videos of it and it would've been all over the news... Please don't lie...

8. [+320, -10] Sounds like an intentional lie...


Source: Insight via Instagram

1. [+356] I am sorry

2. [+413] I'm sorry. Please don't think that all Koreans are bad because of the mistake of a Korean woman.

3. [+84] I'm sorry 😢

4. [+49] Check the CCTV for that bus then

5. [+36] Omo, did something like this really happen? I have a hard time believing it. It's been a long time since we've had foreign laborers come into our country, I've seen many at my own factories too. I've seen laborers get reprimanded by their bosses but I have a hard time believing they'd be treated like this on the bus for no reason. And to think that no one stopped her? I really want to ask which town this was in ㅠㅠㅠ

6. [+16] Sigh, how crazy.. how embarrassing 😭

7. [+12] From what I've seen of Koreans, they would never stand by just watching something like this ㅠ We're known for being safer than other countries ㅠ

8. [+48] Sounds fake. Korean ajummas may be known for overstepping boundaries but they're always kinder to those who are weaker than them.

9. [+2] I'm sorry ㅠㅠ Even us Koreans experience racism when we're overseas, I don't know why we'd ever do the same to anyone else 😢😢😢

10. [+1] I apologize on her behalf. Stuff like this should never happen, what a shame.
