Kim Sejung renews contract with JellyFish

Article: Kim Sejung's contract renewal had a lot of rumors but she 'confirmed' JellyFish

Source: Wikitree via Instagram

1. [+248] Unni, you must've gotten so many love calls from elsewhere, why... why...

2. [+198] Why JellyFish again...

3. [+102] Why...? 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

4. [+76] Hul why.....

5. [+51] JellyFish.... Gugudan..... (bleeding tears)

6. [+20] Why...?

7. [+9] ...ã… 

8. [+4] Hul unni why... I don't think JellyFish is big enough to properly support you ã… ã… 

9. [+1] Just why

10. [+1] I respect her decision but... JellyFish is just not it
