SM denies that Yunho was aware of what the establishment was

Article: SM reps retort MBC report "Yunho was not with female servers"

Source: Han via Naver

1. [+714, -29] Their clarification makes no sense... What kind of man in his thirties goes all the way to a room salon to listen to his friend talk? And not just any room salon but a membership only luxury room salon... Why would anyone go there just to "listen" to his friend's problems? Just release the CCTV if you stand by your statement. 

2. [+161, -12] News is already out, enough with the excuses ㅋ

3. [+122, -7] SM trying to media play with lies again. There's already news reports of the establishment being a membership only adult entertainment bar where female servers hang out with you. Then his friends got into a physical brawl with the police when they came in and got caught trying to run away. The fight was so bad that handcuffs were brought out so who is SM trying to fool right now?

4. [+41, -2] Seems like SM put their heads together for this explanation but let me just laugh at how they thought "Yunho was called to help and listen to his friend's problems and had no idea where he was going" wasn't laughable

5. [+34, -2] I was so easily fooled. I truly believed that Yunho was just hanging out at his friend's parent's restaurant with a few shots of soju over some fish stew or something and got unlucky with the curfew. I even read his apology and praised him for writing it so well.

6. [+19, -2] I don't know how you can go somewhere like that and not know what kind of establishment it is

7. [+17, -1] SM's story doesn't make sense. They claim that was his first time there and that he didn't know what kind of establishment it was? It should've been obvious to him that there's no sign on the outside and that you had to get through gated doors that it's obviously a room salon. That should've been his first sign to just leave if his public image is true. And didn't he claim it was a regular restaurant at first? I'm a true fan but all these pathetic excuses are pissing me off. Who just goes somewhere without knowing where it is to grab drinks with a friend? I can only shield you if your story checks out. All of this disappointment... I'm just speechless!

8. [+17, -1] It should've been obvious to him when he was called to a room salon in Chungdamdong without a sign out front..

9. [+17, -4] The sad reality is that even guys who act all clean on 'I Live Alone' are still hanging out with women at room parlors..

10. [+12, -3] I'm actually suspecting the friend who called him to such a place... ㅋㅋ How did 10 non-uniformed police know to check the area unless it was pre-planned? Almost like someone planned to screw him over.

11. [+10, -1] That is such a load of bull.. who goes to a room salon to listen to their friend's problems... go ask your dog and see if he'll believe it

12. [+10, -1] I don't normally trust news like MBC but I'd trust them more over whatever any celebrity agency has to say


Article: Yunho was hanging out at an 'illegal adult establishment'... SM under controversy for lying in clarification

Source: No Cut News via Naver

1. [+642, -60] Farewell, Passion Man.. nah, it's now Criminal Man..

2. [+539, -20] It was an illegal room salon with a lot of women and Yunho ran away while his friends got in a fight with the police. It's all over SBS ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

3. [+238, -11] I don't think his image can protect him from this one

4. [+196, -12] It would've been better if Yunho never posted that apology

5. [+104, -2] Yunho's two-faced apology is problematic but so is his character. He made all that money off of the public and his fans and to act like this is to spit in their faces. Any celebrity who does something bad like this should be kicked out of the industry. 

6. [+84, -3] I never believe anyone when they say a celebrity is a good person. They're all birds of the same flock. Even if they were a good person, the industry is bound to taint you.

7. [+58, -2] It's already all over the news that he was with women at a room salon

8. [+49, -0] "Listening to his friends" at a room salon ㅋㅋㅋ


Article: "Yunho was arrested at an illegal adult establishment"... SM "It was his first time there"

Source: Seoul News via Naver

1. [+531, -45] If all of this is found to be true, Yunho's career is basically over. Not only did he lie in his initial statement, but he entered an illegal entertainment establishment. There have been plenty of Korean celebrities who have been caught there and not many of their careers have survived the scandal. Koreans are especially strict when it comes to entering such establishments and not many of their careers recover from being involved in such a scandal. It seems like this is the end for Yunho...

2. [+317, -9] Sigh, they play so dirty. No one's naive enough to believe that he was just there to "chat", right? ㅋㅋ

3. [+220, -6] I always felt that his image making was so excessive with all the nice guy stuff but I didn't think he'd be this bad;;; enough with the sad excuses, just go...

4. [+158, -10] SM must've been in a rush if this was the best excuse they could think of

5. [+105, -4] But how did the police even know to check when there are no signs outside? How'd they know it was an illegal establishment unless someone reported it?

6. [+83, -4] How does it make sense that he didn't know what that place was when it's a members only room salon? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It seems to be quite famous as a membership only room salon in Chungdam. He's really saying that as a celebrity of over a decade, he had no idea? He just went because friends called him out and he got caught by police at midnight? ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ First of all, it's already over for him by the fact that he went there at all, and secondly, he was there past midnight, and thirdly, he lied to the public saying it was a restaurant when it was a room salon.

7. [+63, -4] Who goes to chat with their friend at a room salon? And even if it really was his first time, he should've been able to tell what kind of establishment it was from the lack of signage outside and the general atmosphere of the place. What a useless excuse ㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+33, -0] So Yunho goes to chat with his friends over 10 pm at a membership only room salon, eh? What a hilarious excuse. Just admit that you went to a room salon with your friends. You're not filming 'I Live Alone' anymore, just admit it.
