'2020 MAMA' criticized for bizarre virus prevention measures

 Article: "Really embarrassing..." MAMA's virus prevention incites criticism

Source: Wikitree via Instagram

1. [+518] What ㅋㅋㅋ I'd understand if she was wearing a hazmat suit but dressed like that? I thought this was a joke

2. [+308] Wow... that's a staff member..? MAMA deserves the criticism for this one

3. [+9] I don't know why even outfits like this have to be sexualized. Why not just wear a hazmat suit? Why make it so tight? I just really don't get it, are we still in 2000? This is the reality of women's rights in Korea. 

4. [+4] I thought I was watching an SF movie...


Source: Naver

1. [+3,847, -54] It's funny but it also makes me mad. What were they thinking? This isn't appropriate at all for virus prevention. What's with the silver outfit? 

2. [+373, -12] There hasn't been much reason to laugh but they just gave us one.. ^^

3. [+662, -41] It bothered me when I was watching it too. And a lot of them seemed like they didn't want to bother with sanitizing but they were being forced to. And the clothes? What is she supposed to be, a maid?

4. [+64, -2] Tightness of the outfit aside ㅋㅋ I feel like we'll look back on this and regret it 100% ㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+144, -3] Mnet's like "we have to take preventative care but we also have to sexualize women" ㅋㅋㅋ wake up, you ajusshis...

6. [+63, -4] It's bad enough that they still held the ceremony in the middle of a pandemic but to claim that they were following prevention rules by dressing someone up like that makes no sense. Other countries could be watching this, why would you dress someone up like that?
