Soyul and Moon Hee Jun to guest on 'Superman Returns' with their daughter

Article: 'Superman Returns' Moon Hee Jun ♥ Soyul's daughter Jamjam to guest for the first time on the 9th... cute face 'attention'

Source: The Celeb via Nate

1. [+191, -19] Who does she look like....

2. [+148, -23] Ah....... that's a baby...

3. [+136, -15] They're all crawling back out now

4. [+34, -16] Obviously looks like Moon Hee Jun, do you not have eyes?

5. [+27, -5] I was wondering the whole time whose baby that could be and even after seeing the mom, I kept going "nugu?"..

6. [+26, -7] She looks like Moon Hee Jun... ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+24, -5] Hmm... she looks unique

8. [+24, -1] A Moon Hee Jun clone ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+18, -5] I always knew he'd go on this show... he's been prepping for it with talks about his daughter for a while ㅋㅋ

10. [+17, -5] She's cute ㅋㅋㅋ I feel like she'd be a prankster after her dad ㅋㅋ


Source: Naver

1. [+901, -58] That's enough

2. [+687, -29] Didn't he get really pissed last time people talked about his family?? So why is he going on 'Superman Returns'?

3. [+260, -32] This is enough now

4. [+245, -88] So cute~~~~ ^^ she has a mix of both her mother and father's face ^^

5. [+107, -12] The kid did nothing wrong but... her parents are such shameless people..

6. [+96, -8] First he didn't even want anyone talking about his wife and now he's selling his daughter's face all over TV ㅋㅋ

7. [+74, -10] The child is beautiful... and innocent... but her parents are just so bad.. I bet they're on the show to get sponsorships.

8. [+59, -1] Not sure why 'Superman' is obsessed with adding so many new families lately... Their viewer ratings would be off the charts with just Naeun and William's family alone.
