Chungha makes a snapping comeback

Article: Chungha, "Born anew with my new song 'Snapping'... IOI reunion, I'm ready immediately"

Source: Mydaily via Naver

1. [+644, -23] Chungha-ya, let's hit daebak with this album too

2. [+575, -11] Super loyal of her to want to work with IOI still even when she's been successful as a solo... amazing Chungha!!

3. [+179, -10] Such a pretty way with words ✨✨✨

4. [+78m, -12] I wonder how good her new song is this time ㅎㅎ

5. [+20, -6] I personally wish she'd stay solo. She chews up the stage whole with her skills.


Article: Chungha, "IOI reunion? I haven't heard anything... if the opportunity arises, I want to do it immediately"

Source: Star Today via Nate

1. [+572, -24] Chungha-ya, just stay solo. And do even better in the future!!

2. [+436, -16] Some kids were just meant to make it

3. [+361, -21] Why do you think there are reunion rumors every time there's a scandal in YG?

4. [+19, -13] No point in sacrificing yourself for those nugus

5. [+17, -0] Of course she's never heard of it... because the reunion rumors only come out whenever a certain company is going through a scandal and they need a quick distraction.

6. [+10, -0] So she didn't even know about all the talks of reunion..?

7. [+6, -0] There was an article that said their reunion was confirmed and now Chungha's saying she's never heard of it; so are they doing it or not? Or are the CEOs just talking without discussing it with the kids first;

8. [+5, -2] An IOI reunion is like graduating high school and attending college already but trying to get back into high school, it makes no sense. And it's certainly not a wise decision for Chungha;;;

9. [+4, -0] She makes easy money on her own, she'd be insane to go back to the group

10. [+3, -1] Wait, what? The reunion isn't confirmed? The news kept talking as if it was confirmed already ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
