bp rania
Topp Dogg's P-Goon and BP Rania's Yoomin reveal they have separated after the birth of their son
Article: 'Idol Couple' P-Goon♥Yoomin become parents... baby picture unveiled
Source: OSEN via Nate
1. [+482, -18] The baby is so pretty 💕 what a lovely baby...
2. [+383, -14] The baby is so pretty, he looks just like the father~ ♡♡♡
3. [+338, -19] He's a total clone of his father ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
4. [+42, -0] Yoomin posted on her Instagram that they're going through a divorce right now and that they agreed on not showing the baby until the divorce was finalized but P went ahead and revealed him without her consent. The baby is currently being raised by Yoomin during their separation.
5. [+41, -5] The baby looks straight out of a manhwa. Ahh~~~ what a cutie!
6. [+26, -1] Is the baby CG?
7. [+25, -3] The baby looks like a doll
8. [+16, -1] So pretty~~~~~~~!
Article: [Exclusive] Yoomin, "Currently separated with P.-Goon.. I am raising the baby"
Source: Star News via Naver
1. [+1,613, -14] I thought the article was about the Japanese actress Yoomin...
2. [+495, -19] I'll be honest, we don't know who these two are. Is an article about them... necessary? Seems like a hurtful situation for everyone. No point in needing to know so much about their private lives.
3. [+261, -12] I think they got married too hastily;; Nothing wrong with getting a divorce but I hope whoever gets the kid raises him well.
4. [+189, -58] Nugus
5. [+63, -2] Married in August, gave birth in December, divorced in February? Well that was fast ㅋㅋ so much happened in barely a year ㅋㅋ
6. [+35, -1] So please use protection. No wonder your marriage didn't work out when you got married before you barely knew each other because of the baby, tsk.
7. [+29, -1] She has way too many grammar mistakes ㅠㅠ
8. [+28, -0] She needs to read more books... I have no idea what she's trying to say ㅠㅠ
Source: Nate
1. [+596, -12] I thought this was about the Japanese actress Yoomin.. who is she??
2. [+540, -15] Who is she?
3. [+30, -2] Her lack of grammar is amazing, I thought she was a foreigner
4. [+29, -0] Married in August, gave birth in December, divorced in January, what a busy busy life
5. [+22, -1] It hasn't even been that long since they got married though? Was it a shotgun wedding?
6. [+16, -3] Just resolve it between you two, no one even cares. Don't turn this into a mess by revealing every single thing about it.
7. [+13, -4] She's pretty enough where she can easily get married again even if she's a divorcee with a kid
8. [+13, -0] Feels like every marriage ends in divorce over one fight nowadays