Former girl group member sued for fraud alongside pastor father

Article: Former girl group singer A sued alongside pastor father for fraud

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+516, -11] WG YE?

2. [+398, -11] He really sold his daughter out for this fraud, jeez

3. [+393, -44] Wonder Girls Yeeun?

4. [+73, -1] "Believers claim that his daughter, who is a singer, participated in seminars about the entertainment business and took part in the fraud".... Didn't she claim that she never met her father? Was she lying??

5. [+54, -2] I think they're suing Yeeun now because they realized they can't get their money back from the pastor

6. [+51, -1] If what the victims are saying is true, that Yeeun was actually there at the seminars... then not only is she an accomplice but she's also a liar for claiming that she's never met her her father...

7. [+33, -3] Park Yeeun?

8. [+25, -2] Looks like the blind items about her breaking up with Jinwoon over this were true

9. [+24, -0] You can already see this stuff in Yeeun's search results~ her father's a pastor

10. [+23, -1] Pastors these days are either committing fraud or sexual harassment ㅋ


Article: Yeeun's reps, "She went in for police investigation to prove her innocence"

Source: TV Report via Nate

1. [+946, -44] Sunye and Yeeun are both tainting the honor of their WG past. Is it a coincidence that both are Christian ㅡㅡ

2. [+763, -16] That's a lot of money to fraud people out of...

3. [+683, -47] If you're sorry, then take responsibility and pay them back

4. [+66, -1] But you're an accomplice if you participated in the business seminars?

5. [+64, -1] So did you attend the seminars or not?

6. [+56, -1] You claimed you never saw your father.... so did you attend the seminars or not? Just answer that...

7. [+39, -1] She should just stay quiet instead of claiming "innocence"...

8. [+37, -0] What people are most curious about right now are whether she attended the business seminars. If she did, she's connected to the fraud.
