Lee Hyori's 'Home Stay' inspires broken dreams of Jeju living

Article: Words of advice from 10 people who dreamt of a life like 'Hyori's Home Stay' but returned to the mainland

Source: Korea Econ via Nate

Article interviews people who moved to Jeju Island with hopes of pursuing a lifestyle like Lee Hyori's depicted in her variety show and the reasons why they couldn't sustain it, such as rising prices of land and housing, low employment opportunities, and the cultural differences of island life.

1. [+428, -5] A lifestyle like Lee Hyori's is only possible if you have her kind of money. How can you expect that life without money?

2. [+390, -6] Jeju people are also very territorial and not welcoming to newcomers

3. [+329, -5] And the most important reason of all, Lee Hyori is rich...

4. [+33, -0] Lee Hyori = someone who went to Jeju to spend money / the average person = someone who took out a loan to live in Jeju

5. [+30, -2] Lee Hyori's lifestyle is only possible after you've amassed wealth. Even while living in Jeju, she still went to Seoul to shoot pictorials and do other jobs here and there while Lee Sang Soon continued writing songs and collecting royalties. That's why their lifestyle is possible on 'Home Stay'.

6. [+22, -0] You're an absolute idiot if you actually moved to Jeju after watching her show..

7. [+16, -0] Even Lee Hyori had trouble selling her Jeju home. jTBC had to eventually buy it off of her.

8. [+11, -2] Moving anywhere follows the same rule: you need the money for it. You can't expect to open a new life for yourself with two potatoes and an ear of corn.

9. [+11, -0] Living anywhere in the countryside is all about breaking through to the locals. They're unwelcoming to newcomers and it's why a lot of city people end up returning to the city.

10. [+9, -0] If you have the money, anywhere's a nice place to live...
