Jo Kwon to enlist in the army next month

Article: Jo Kwon reps, "Active duty enlistment on August 6th... He wants a quiet enlistment"

Source: Sports Donga via Nate

1. [+607, -32] Serve well.. nowadays, it's more important that you complete your service than simply enlisting

2. [+485, -26] Serve well, work hard, and take care of your health

3. [+225, -16] A lot of people make fun of him for being gay but... he's better than those other guys who act all manly outside and are suddenly unfit to serve come time to enlist. He's more of a man than they are in the call of duty.

4. [+33, -8] Yes, so much better than all the damn ba$tards who act all tough only to go public service. Serve well and be careful.

5. [+24, -12] The army will be heaven for him anyway

6. [+18, -14] With all those men in the army... he's going to lose it~

7. [+18, -14] Just wait till he gets some unknown disease after enlisting and has to get his own hospital room

8. [+17, -12] Army enlistment... must be exciting for him

9. [+12, -14] Gooooosebumps.. The army for him is going to be like sticking a man in a woman's dorm, no?

10. [+11, -4] I wonder what it feels like to enlist in your thirties
