Yoobin opens up her new start after the Wonder Girls

Article: [Pop Interview] Yoobin, "New start after the Wonder Girls... I will show you my singing"

Source: Herald Pop via Naver

1. [+210, -22] I personally think 'So Hot' Yoobin was the best...

2. [+170, -36] Her singing is so bad, I think she was one key lower than the MR

3. [+163, -94] She is disgustingly bad at singing

4. [+58, -11] I was super surprised at hearing her live singing

5. [+49, -21] She's riding off the back of her big agency

6. [+42, -17] I think it's great that she's challenging herself. Personality wise, she seems like a nice but sensitive person. She challenged herself by going on 'Unpretty' by rapping, switching to singing, worked hard in America... I think it's great that she's always trying to break her limit.

7. [+30, -8] This concept isn't a great fit for her.. ㅠㅠ should've gone with something hip like her 'Unpretty' days...

8. [+22, -3] Her song's okay but feels like a mish mash of this and that?? and there's nothing about her singing that draws you in.

9. [+17, -3] Her live singing is so abd ㅡㅡ can't she just lip sync??? It's a pain to listen to

10. [+14, -3] Please just go practice your singing. I can't stand listening to your live.
