Dispatch body battle: Nayoung vs Seolhyun

Article: "Captivating body lines" Seolhyun and Nayoung, body prodigies

Source: Dispatch HD via Nate

1. [+226, -18] Im Nayoung's body is no joke in other pictures. The article chose the wrong pictures for this... although yeah, Seolhyun's pretty famous for her body too~

2. [+223, -76] Seolhyun has a great body but if we're talking bodies alone, Im Nayoung wins. I've rarely seen such a tiny waist.

3. [+190, -88] No questions asked, Im Nayoung

4. [+34, -29] Dumb feminist vs cutie pie, Nayoung wins

5. [+21, -11] Popularity goes to Seolhyun, body goes to Nayoung

6. [+20, -17] Nayoung lacks something compared to Seolhyun... I don't know what it is but it's something

7. [+20, -16] ㅋㅋ Obviously Seolhyun wins!! I don't get kids who think Nayoung has the better body..

8. [+17, -9] Nayoung~~ wins~~

9. [+15, -8] Body goes to Seolhyun

10. [+14, -9] Hard to choose between the two of them~
