Actress Park Eun Ji unveils her complete bare face

Article: "Contrasting pre and post make up".. Park Eun Ji reveals 100% bare face

Source: Mydaily via Nate

1. [+1,309, -10] Is this real life

2. [+1,141, -25] I bet you the majority of plastic monsters look like this without make up ㅋ

3. [+1,058, -20] This is real life

4. [+101, -1] Still amazing of her to show her bare face though...

5. [+97, -4] I think she knows that the minute she shares this, she's going to be bait for tons of antis... but she's doing it anyway to show her make up skills... I'm sure it's helpful to women who don't know how to do make up ㅋㅋㅋ

6. [+71, -4] Isn't a change this drastic grounds for divorce??

7. [+59, -1] Her nose is a total pig's nose. That's a fake nose?

8. [+57, -5] Hul her double eyelid lines are gross

9. [+53, -9] 80% of women look like this (I'm saying it's reality, not trying to put them down)

10. [+49, -0] Hul, her features are piggish... I thought she was pretty before, this is surprising...

11. [+33, -2] Shock and horror

12. [+28, -0] The fact that she's a celebrity makes this more shocking...
