Jun. K announces army enlistment and promises to reflect over drunk driving scandal

Article: 'Enlistment' Jun. K, "Of course I should be criticized for drinking and driving... I will live while reflecting on it"

Source: X Sports News via Nate

1. [+254, -7] I guess the army is just a place of escape for celebrities once they cause a scandal

2. [+228, -10] Whenever I see him, I'm reminded of his cover of 'Snow Flower' more than his drunk driving scandal... I remember crying from laughing so hard while watching it ㅋㅋ

3. [+180, -12] Drunk drivers are practically murderers in the making; He's a public figure and has seen so many celebrities ruin their careers over drunk driving and he still does it? How can you make that much money and want to scrimp on getting a taxi?

4. [+13, -6] I listen to his cover of 'Snow Flower' every time I feel depressed

5. [+12, -7] Sorry but don't care...

6. [+10, -5] What pisses me off more than his drunk driving is how much he acts like he can sing...

7. [+6, -1] I wonder why he did that at all after seeing what happened to Nichkhun

8. [+6, -2] Non-celebrities go to jail for committing a crime, celebrities go to the army ㅋㅋㅋ how the f*ck is the industry just a collection of criminals? It's like they drink and drive every chance they get

9. [+6, -4] Just don't sing 'Snow Flower' in there


Source: Naver

1. [+146, -49] I'm getting goosebumps... there really are people supporting a drunk driver like it's nothing...

2. [+111, -35] Out of all the stage names I've heard in my life, #1 Jun. K and #2 Ha:tfelt are the most cringeworthy names ever

3. [+39, -12] He even took out some metal rods to get into active duty, I hope he has a healthy service and doesn't get hurt

4. [+45, -19] He's like that one kid that was always in your class who was so pathetically tryhard

5. [+46, -22] Serve well

6. [+13, -4] Take care of yourself! I love you!!

7. [+10, -1] Be careful, serve well...

8. [+79, -71] Serve well ♡
- It's okay if our oppa drinks and drives ♥ /s
- ㅋㅋㅋ Stupid fangirls are hopeless... Look at them supporting him even while he's running away to the army after drinking and driving ㅋㅋ
- Our oppa can drink and drive as long as he doesn't get hurt /s
- ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ These stupid fangirls are giving me goosebumps
- ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I wonder how these girls will feel when their loving oppa drinks and drives over their own family member ㅋㅋㅋㅋ tsk tsk

9. [+12, -4] Minjoon oppa, I love you, I'll be waiting! Have a healthy service and let's meet again when you're more mature! ♡

10. [+10, -5] 'Snow Flower'...


Source: Naver

1. [+2,338, -95] You should've reflected straight after you committed the crime. You were promoting this whole time without any reflection and you're only going to start now while in the army??? Since when did the army become a place of escape?

2. [+647, -85] Please go search Jun. K's 'Cow Flower' on YouTube

3. [+513, -26] The army's an escape now??

4. [+307, -12] Army enlistments have become a thing of reflection now ㅡㅡㅋ

5. [+36, -0] What if he skips out in the middle by blaming some mental illness later?
