Hollywood: Adele
Article: Adele's 'Titanic themed' birthday party criticized... "Making a joke out of a tragedy that lost 1,500 lives"
Source: Star Today via Nate
1. [+1,108, -38] Now this is wrong... how is it any different from parodying the Sewol Ferry accident?
2. [+902, -13] When I read 'Titanic parody', I assumed she would just be parodying that flying scene at the tip of the boat... not a full on party with life vests... that's a bit wrong
3. [+23, -8] Is this b*tch a western Ilbe member?! Hul~~~
4. [+18, -1] Didn't realize she was so dumb;;
5. [+15, -2] The worst sinking in history is the Titanic... how can you use that as a party theme?
6. [+14, -3] Just proof she has no brain
7. [+12, -4] Hear that~? The sound of her empty brain
8. [+11, -1] Crazy
9. [+11, -3] Hmm... I personally like Adele but this is hopeless, what a disappointment
10. [+9, -0] I guess there are brainless idiots everywhere in the world